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Dimitar Stoev
Dimitar Stoev

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I am interested.. What is your passion?

Hello world,

Yesterday, I spent some time watching an animation series and I recalled my passion for creation. Some time ago, not very recently I had an ambition to develop some creative art skills. It didn’t really get anywhere, but I felt it was really close to me.

I spend the time with passion and joy. I was creating 3D models and simple animations. I really loved it!

You can check my incredible projects here ( a little bit of sarcasm ) :


I am interested.. What is your passion? I am not talking about side hustle or side coding projects. I am talking about something that inspires your imagination. What would you do if you had the chance to make a shift and just follow some side ambition?

Feel free to share a link!

Top comments (17)

bradtaniguchi profile image

What would you do if you had the chance to make a shift and just follow some side ambition?

Learning. Might be a vague goal, but I do like learning new things, facts, trivia, anything. I'm not talking about boring facts, like dates or something. Rather interesting things like life, universe, philosophy, and history.

Development folds into "continual learning" which is great, but at the same time the overall problem is usually focused (build X to solve Y) so there are some limits to what you could/want to learn.

dimitarstbc profile image
Dimitar Stoev

I totally understand you. Sometimes I watch the exact same topics on YouTube till 03:00 or 04:00 in the morning.

Not the best habit I have to admit...

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Drawing Manga is one of my favourite passions in life. I wish that I did it more often but I have a lot of hobbies and programming is my main career choice. Designing and illustrating really brings out my creativity and imagination.

dimitarstbc profile image
Dimitar Stoev

Sounds interesting.

Do you have any work published somewhere ? Share a link with us!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

There are some on my Instagram but not a lot to be honest. Because i'm more focused on my programming. But yeah I should create more and have them posted on a design platform.

marinsborg profile image

I am not sure is that a passion, but I really like to teach or at least to introduce people to programming. I remember how that was cool when I was first introduced.
For that reason I started a blog, I answer on beginners questions on Quora and Reddit and I think that one day I would like to have some kind of bootcamp or something similar.
I really think that most people can work in IT and that you can teach people who to code. And it is like learning math - it is not scary like many people think, but you need to have a good and patient teacher.

dimitarstbc profile image
Dimitar Stoev

I agree with you.

I also sometimes talk to people and try to convince them to try it. I don't know if at some point it become irritating but I continue anyway.

I have managed to "convert" only one person tho..

marinsborg profile image

One by one :)

mmuller88 profile image
Martin Muller 🇩🇪🇧🇷🇵🇹 my blog post / Resume side

zoreankit profile image
Ankit Zore

Travelling & Exploring new places. I go on motorbike trips. I'm developer by profession :)

dimitarstbc profile image
Dimitar Stoev

Are you working remotely when you travel or just take vacation days off?

I am considering trying that, but I am not sure how productive I will be.

zoreankit profile image
Ankit Zore

I usually do it over weekends or vacation days off ,it doesn't hamper my productivity instead I feel fresh to again start working,

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Being a parent, Woodworking, model trains, gardening!

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Oh Id buy a forest in the UK with enough funds (because that's actually something you can do)

dimitarstbc profile image
Dimitar Stoev

The last one seems like a great green idea!

I hope you do it at some point.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Oh and blender modelling

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