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DAY 7 - Advent of Code 2020 w/ GoLang

HAH. This one was not as fun for me. Both parts had dumb little bugs that took me waaaay longer to find than to actually fix.

Listen. The code is a little messy. I was stubborn and didn't want to build any trees. Just. Build. The. Tree.

All of the important functionality here is in the main method and the three following functions. The others are utility functions.

package days

import (

    inputs "../inputs"

var bagMap = make(map[string][]string)
var numberOfColorsThatHoldGold = []string{}

// Seven : advent of code, day seven part1 and 2
func Seven() {
    input := inputs.Day7

    inputCleanUp :=
                    strings.Replace(input, "bags", "", -1), "bag", "", -1), ".", "", -1), " ", "", -1)

    bagLines := strings.Split(inputCleanUp, "\n")

    for line := range bagLines {
        temp := strings.Split(bagLines[line], "contain")
        bagMap[temp[0]] = strings.Split(temp[1], ",")


    fmt.Print("(Part 1) - Total number of colors that can hold a shiny gold bag: ")
    numberOfColorsThatHoldGold = removeDuplicateValues(numberOfColorsThatHoldGold)

    fmt.Print("(Part 2) - Total number of bags in a shiny gold one: ")

func colorChecker(colorsToCheck []string) {
    colorsToCheckAgain := []string{}

    for color := range colorsToCheck {
        for k := range bagMap {
            if doesContain(bagMap[k], colorsToCheck[color]) {
                numberOfColorsThatHoldGold = append(numberOfColorsThatHoldGold, k)
                colorsToCheckAgain = append(colorsToCheckAgain, k)

    colorsToCheckAgain = removeDuplicateValues(colorsToCheckAgain)

    if len(colorsToCheckAgain) > 0 {
    } else {

var totalBagsInBags = make(map[string][]int)

func bagInBagCalculator(colorToStart string) int {
    inThatBag := bagMap[colorToStart]

    for within := range inThatBag {
        splitNum, color := splitNumAndColor(inThatBag[within])
        totalBagsInBags[color] = []int{splitNum + splitNum*bagsInThisOne(color)}

    total := 0
    for col := range totalBagsInBags {
        total = total + totalBagsInBags[col][0]
    return total

func bagsInThisOne(color string) int {
    totes := 0
    inThatBag := bagMap[color]

    for within := range inThatBag {
        splitNum, nextColor := splitNumAndColor(inThatBag[within])
        totes = totes + splitNum + splitNum*bagsInThisOne(nextColor)

    return totes

func splitNumAndColor(color string) (int, string) {
    toRune := []rune(color)
    splitNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(toRune[0]))
    nextColor := strings.Replace(color, string(toRune[0]), "", -1)

    return splitNum, nextColor

func doesContain(sliceToCheckFrom []string, stringToCheck string) bool {
    for toCheck := range sliceToCheckFrom {
        if strings.Contains(sliceToCheckFrom[toCheck], stringToCheck) {
            return true
    return false

func removeDuplicateValues(stringSlice []string) []string {
    keys := make(map[string]bool)
    list := []string{}

    for _, entry := range stringSlice {
        if _, value := keys[entry]; !value {
            keys[entry] = true
            list = append(list, entry)
    return list


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