What are enums?
Enums or enumerations are a data type in programming languages. Enums hold named variables, which is just a fancy way of saying that they hold a number of predefined values. Enums also help us by providing additional input validation.
When should I use an enum?
Typically, enums are used when you have a property that can only have a predefined set of values. For example, a student's attendance for the day. The value of attendance
can only ever be present, absent, or late. Another example is the delivery status of a message. Possible values are sent
, delivered
and read
How to define an enum in GraphQL schema?
So now we've decided that we want our property to be of type enum
. How can we define that in our schema? Simply:
enum messagesDeliveryStatus {
type RootQuery {
messages(deliveryStatus: messagesDeliveryStatus): [Message]
type Message {
id: ID
message: String
deliveryStatus: messageDeliveryStatus
sentAt: String
This simple schema does two things. It defines an object type called Message which has some properties, specifically one property called deliveryStatus, which is of type messagesDeliveryStatus
that we defined above.
It also defines a query in root called messages, which returns all the messages we have, and we can filter them by delivery status.
query {
messages(deliveryStatus: "read") {
Oops, running this query causes an error. The error message you'll see is:
"message": "Expected type messagesDeliveryStatus, found \"read\". Did you mean the enum value read?",
Now I faced this error message more than once, and when you're in a hurry or frustrated, it's likely the error message won't make a lot of sense. You're telling me you're expecting the value I'm passing?
The mistake we made here is that we passed the value read
as a string. What we need to do is remove the double quotes around it. Let's try that again:
query {
messages(deliveryStatus: read) {
And now we're getting our expected results: only messages that were read!
Thank you for reading. Let me know how I can make this article better. Until next time π
Cover photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash
Top comments (1)
How do you pass in multiple enums? If possible I cannot seem to pass in more than one option.