I've decided to begin #javaScript30 coding challenge! It's free course from WesBos #javaScript30 👍. For now, I've finished the first 5 challenges ✨ and create GitHub repository. Also, I've created small frontpage with GitHub Pages for this project https://dmitryvdovichencko.github.io/vanillaJS-30days/. Hopefully, this knowledge of vanillaJS will useful for me in the future 🙏.
03.06.2019 - Updated. Halfway passed. 15 challenges finished.For me, the most useful challenges were:
Type Ahead - knowledges for fetch
API and RegExp
Array Cardio - how to work with arrays in JS and use their methods.
Custom Video Player - how to work with video
API from JS
Local Storage and Event Delegation - how to work with local storage in JS, in the case of storing some data from page.
Top comments (2)
I just started the challenge yesterday! Great idea to create a front page for it. I think I'll do the same!
Awesome! I totally fell off the #javaScript30 coding challenge because I've been trying to learn so much all at once. Let me know how it goes, I might have to start back up again!