
Cover image for build a instagram message chat app

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build a instagram message chat app

Hello, everyone! I have just build a web version of a chat application, similar to the cover image above

You can watch a brief introduction video youtube

The project consists of both client-side and server-side.
The client-side utilizes create-vite-app with Reactjs+Typescript
On the server-side,we will use GraphQL, Apollo,MongoDB,Mongoose
The design file can be accessed here

Why use GraphQL?

It's incredibly easy to use just right out of the box when starting up, and it can readily scale to meet large-scale demands when needed.

  1. GraphQL is based on HTTP POST and has only one endpoint; all your request commands like CRUD operations, are sent via this single endpoint.
  2. GraphQL is really convenient when nesting queries.

  3. Apollo Framework provides builtin functionalities such as server management, API testing, And WebSocket subscriptions for message handling.

The source code at github

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