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Cover image for #004: The Week In Stories —AI-driven fruit growing to SaaS bridge
Aphinya Dechalert
Aphinya Dechalert

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#004: The Week In Stories —AI-driven fruit growing to SaaS bridge

Hi all!

This week of {Tech & Dev} includes a varied list of articles and tech finds across the web. From AI-driven fruit growing (mmmmmmm….yummier fruit, that is) to things you didn’t know you could do in Chrome — I hope you enjoy my selection for this week’s stories.

1. Add CSV import to your Node.js app using UseCSV

CSV is convenient. The likes of Excel, Google Docs, spreadsheet export functions, and reporting applications all support CSV in some capacity. CSV works well with large data sets and the major perk is that it can easily be converted to other formats such as XML or JSON.

This is where the hard part starts — how do you easily convert CSV data for your app, MVP, or SaaS? For JavaScript-based applications, there’s a plethora of free CSV parsers available. While these libraries are great, open-source is known to pose a security risk such as relaxed integration oversight and potentially poor and integrated practices.

So what are your options? What alternatives to free CSV parsers do you have? One solution is to use UseCSV.

Read it here 👉 Add CSV import to your Node.js app using UseCSV

2. Human-Readable JavaScript: A Tale of Two Experts

Everyone wants to be an expert. But what does that even mean? Over the years I’ve seen two types of people who are referred to as “experts.” Expert 1 is someone who knows every tool in the language and makes sure to use every bit of it, whether it helps or not. Expert 2 also knows every piece of syntax, but they’re pickier about what they employ to solve problems, considering a number of factors, both code-related and not.

Read it here 👉 Human-Readable JavaScript: A Tale of Two Experts

3. Thoughts On Markdown

Markdown in all its flavors, interpretations, and forks won’t go away. However, it’s important to look at emerging content formats that try to encompass modern needs. In this article, Knut shares his advice against Markdown by looking back on why it was introduced in the first place, and by going through some of the major developments of content on the web.

Read it here 👉 Thoughts On Markdown

4. Semantic Versioning for Express APIs

Software versioning is the process of assigning a unique identifier for a specific state of a software application, API or library. As developers, it is essential to follow a formal convention for versioning since it helps to communicate the changes and their impact.

Semantic versioning is one of the most used and straightforward versioning conventions available, and it provides a three-part version number for your application. Here is a quick guide on using semantic versioning for Express APIs.

Read it here 👉 Semantic Versioning for Express APIs

5. Your fruit is gonna get tastier — and you’ve got AI to thank for it

Which flavors and chemical compounds make a particular variety of fruit more appealing to consumers can be identified and predicted using artificial intelligence, according to our recently published study.

Flavor, defined by scientists as the interaction between aroma and taste, is chemically complex. The sugars, acids, and bitter compounds in food interact with the taste receptors on our tongues to invoke taste, while volatile compounds that interact with olfactory receptors in our noses are responsible for aroma.

Read it here 👉 Your fruit is gonna get tastier — and you’ve got AI to thank for it

6. Subsetting Font Awesome to Improve Performance

Font Awesome is an incredibly popular icon library. Unfortunately, it’s somewhat easy to use in a way that results in less-than-ideal performance. By subsetting Font Awesome, we can remove any unused glyphs from the font files it provides. This will reduce the number of bytes transmitted over the wire, and improve performance.

Let’s subset fonts together in a Font Awesome project to see the difference it makes. As we go, I’ll assume you’re importing the CSS file Font Awesome provides, and using its web fonts to display icons.

Read it here 👉Subsetting Font Awesome to Improve Performance

7. Firebase vs. Digital Ocean App Platform vs. AWS Amplify

Which bootstrap cloud stack should you choose?

Google Firebase, Digital Ocean App Platform, and AWS Amplify all seem to do the same thing — they exist to help you launch your app into the cloud as quickly as possible. But how comparable are they as a full-stack cloud service?

Here is a quick rundown of everything you need to know about the services, things to consider, and how each cloud platform impacts your short and long-term infrastructure and strategy.

But before we begin, there is a question that needs to be answered — are full-stack app platforms worth the time and investment?

Read it here 👉 Firebase vs. Digital Ocean App Platform vs. AWS Amplify

8. Implement Authentication & Security Using SuperTokens in Your React and HarperDB App

Adding authorization & authentication to an app is a common task for developers. When you’re launching a new product, a startup, or a side project, it can feel like a mission.

This tutorial will teach us how to make a music player app that uses SuperTokens for authentication and HarperDB for the backend.

Read it here 👉 Implement Authentication & Security Using SuperTokens in Your React and HarperDB App

9. Browsers can do that?

For the past few years since I began my endeavor to make a web desktop environment I’ve become fascinated to know what is possible with a modern web browser and where the limits are. Throughout that time I’ve been repeatedly surprised with how far we’ve come and what features have made it into some of todays browsers.

Here is my list of the amazing things browsers can do!

Read it here 👉 Browsers can do that?

10. How to Use Google Chrome’s Enhanced Safety Mode

AS SOON AS you dip a virtual toe in the online waters, you’re exposing yourself to danger, whether from suspicious links, dodgy downloads, data harvesters, or something else. The good news is that our web browsers have evolved to become more secure and savvy.

If Google Chrome is your browser of choice, you have access to an Enhanced Safe Browsing mode, which you might not be aware of: It’s essentially what it sounds like, an extra layer of protection that you’re able to switch on if you want to be as cautious as possible.

Why wouldn’t it be on by default?

Read it here 👉 How to Use Google Chrome’s Enhanced Safety Mode

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