- Become proficient enough to be an open source machine
- Eat, Drink, and be merry by having a real developer job.
- Be a Fullstack Omnipresent being
- Destroying Capitalism
How will I get there?
- I'm restarting my freecodecamp projects, I'll see them to completion this time
- Maintain my Dev.to with my project logs
- Find a mentor or sponsor of some kind
What will I do after FCC is complete?
- Evaluate what I have completed
- Establish an understanding of what I'm capable with the knowledge I have gained from completing FCC.
- Understand what I need to learn next
What kind of Dev.to project logs will I have?
- I'll post my project logs that I maintain in my Obsidian Vault so that others may understand how I learn and function. Particularly, any potential mentor who happens to observe my work.
How will I find a mentor?
- I will see what I can find via Discord or Dev.to over the next month or so
Are there any limitations?
- Not necessarily a limitation, but neurological issues; adhd, autism, social panic, ...rest.
- Daily physical fatigue and mental fog due to chronic pain.
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