Advent of PBT 2021 β Learn how to use property based testing and fast-check through examples
Our algorithm today is: wishListsDiffer.
It comes with the following documentation and prototype:
* Each year, Santa receives wish lists coming from everywhere.
* Lists are ordered starting by the most important present to the last
* important one. Santa does not always offer the most important one.
* From time to time he wants to wait one more year to check if the
* present stays in the top.
* Each year, Santa manually performs a diff of the list with
* the one of the year before. Based on this diff he makes his choice.
* You can see the diff manually computed by Santa as an usual git diff
* between two strings including many lines.
* Let's take the example:
* Year N:
* Cars
* Trains
* Planes
* Year N+1:
* Cars
* Buses
* Trains
* Boats
* Diff of Santa:
* === Cars
* +++ Buses
* === Trains
* +++ Boats
* --- Planes
* @param before - String representing the list of presents (before)
* @param after - String representing the list of presents (after)
declare function wishListsDiffer(before: string, after: string): string;
We already wrote some examples based tests for it:
it("should compute the appropriate diff", () => {
// Arrange
const previousYear = "Cars\nTrains\nPlanes";
const currentYear = "Cars\nBuses\nTrains\nBoats";
// Act
const diff = wishListsDiffer(previousYear, currentYear);
// Assert
// prettier-ignore
"=== Cars\n" +
"+++ Buses\n" +
"=== Trains\n" +
"+++ Boats\n" +
"--- Planes"
How would you cover it with Property Based Tests?
In order to ease your task we provide you with an already setup CodeSandbox, with examples based tests already written and a possible implementation of the algorithm:
You wanna see the solution? Here is the set of properties I came with to cover today's algorithm:
Back to "Advent of PBT 2021" to see topics covered during the other days and their solutions.
More about this serie on @ndubien or with the hashtag #AdventOfPBT.
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