TL;DR codepen
I was hanging out at and noticed this sweet top navigation bar
so I had to machete through all the tailwind to replicate.
First we pick three colors: lightskyblue rebeccapurple sandybrown
Let's introduce a nav with a height
nav {
height: 80px;
Now let's introduce the gradient from top left to bottom right
nav {
linear-gradient(to bottom right
lightskyblue rebeccapurple sandybrown
We need to reduce the opacity on lightskyblue and sandybrown so let's get their HSL using shift click like so

With reduced opacity (0.25), our code may look something like
nav {
background: linear-gradient(
to bottom right,
hsla(203, 92%, 75.5%, 0.25),
hsla(27.6, 87.1%, 66.7%, 0.25)
Now let's add a background to the whole thing
nav {
background-color: rebeccapurple;
I didn't love this so I went ahead and abstracted the rebeccapurple to HSL so I could darken it significantly (lightness in HSL from 40 to 15). It's in a CSS variable because we'll use it twice.
nav {
/* --rebecca-purple: hsl(270, 50%, 40%); */
--rebecca-purple: hsl(270, 60%, 15%);
Almost there. A good gradient doesn't look like a gradient. So let's bring the lightness of the first and last colors down to 35% for the final result.
nav {
--rebecca-purple: hsl(270, 60%, 15%);
background-image: linear-gradient(
to bottom right,
hsla(203, 92%, 35.5%, 0.25),
hsla(27.6, 87.1%, 35.7%, 0.25)
background-color: var(--rebecca-purple);
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