A function is a set of statement or procedure on how to perform a particular task or calculate the value of a given parameters.
Function Lite
Function contain parenthesis with enclose parameters(or rather a function with an arguments) or none parameter and body of procedures or statements to perform a given task.
A function call runs every program of a given function body.
Princple/basic code of function
//General formular =>
function parenthesis(parameters) {
body of statement or procedure...
return ...
//calling a function
//Clear example:
function add(number) {
let solution = number + number;
return solution;
console.log(add(5)) //10
Declaring or defining a function
These are means of naming a function that run set of program, it can either be Anonymous & Non anonymous.
Anonymous function
It's a function with no defined name or parenthesis.
//Ordinary Function:
(function() {
Function can either be an ordinary or arrow, they both have similar objective but different code structure.
The use of ();
at every end of a function, it's called invoking a function. This is a function calling itself automatically.
( () => {
console.log('Hello World');
}) ();
Function expression
The step of using the keyword let, const & var to declare a variable, which in return this variable is use to store a function as the value to be executed.
const multiply = function (num) {
return num * num;
Non anonymous
Simply a defined function with parenthesis.
//Ordinary Function:
function add(num) {
return num + num;
//Function expression:
const operation = function sub(num) {
return num - 1;
console.log(operation(5)); //4
Default parameters
A stand-by define parameter use or an assigned value for a given parameter.
function greeting(name, message = 'Good morning') {
const typing = message + name;
return typing;
console.log(greeting(' John')); //Good morning John
This gives the value of the body of function executed to a function call. Any code after return
will not execute or run within the function scope.
Function scope
This basically talks about the user access to a variable or function inside or outside a scope {}
Function can access a variable outside it scope
and also modify it(make changes on it).Variable declared inside a function or condition statement can not be accessed outside it scope
If two variable are defined either inside or outside function scope with the same name, then the function only pick or access the one inside the scope
of a function.
In hoisting; a variable declared using only var or fuction call before it statement of function or body of code(except using function expression), will be executed or run code without any expected error.
Calling a function
It's accomplished when the body of function is program on the procedure of how a task should be executed, so the expected output must be called, to show result to the user.
It contain the name of the function with defined argument.
function admin(user) {
return user = `${user} is a junior officer`;
Equivalent in function call
Simple description is...
const clothVendor = function sharonWares(rate) {
return ...;
clothVendor() == sharonWares() == arguments.callee()
Arrow function
Arrrow function are always anonymous and the ES6 syntax for function.js.
const person= (name)=> {
return name + ", He is eloquent";
console.log(person("John")); //John, He is eloquent
There syntax are always short in expression and does not have its own this
, arguments
, super
, or new.target
function Person() {
this.age = 0;
setInterval(() => {
this.age++; //the use of `this` refers to the Person object
}, 1000);
let sequence = new Person();
In ordinary function, this approach is different due to their working principles.
function Person() {
// define this as a variable
const self = this;
self.age = 0;
setInterval(function growUp() {
// The callback refers to the `self` variable as the Person object
}, 1000);
const incr = new Person();
console.log(incr) //1
The next step doesn't perform the function of this in object js.
function Person() {
// The Person() constructor defines `this` as itself.
this.age = 0;
setInterval(function ageBracket() {
/*In nonstrict mode, the ageBracket() function defines `this` as the global object, which is different from the `this` defined by the Person() constructor, so then this result to zero as defined */
}, 1000);
const incr = new Person();
console.log(incr) //0
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