This is a submission for the Bright Data Web Scraping Challenge Prompt 1: Scrape Data from Complex, Interactive Websites
What I Built
Cheaperr is a price comparison platform that allows you to compare prices of your desired product across Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress, helping you find the best deal effortlessly.
Built with
The application was built with the following tools:
- Reactjs
- TailwindCSS
- Node(Expressjs)
- Puppeteer
- Bright Data's Scraping Browser
- Live site -
- Codebase
Home page
Products page
Compare-prices page
How I Used Bright Data
For this project, I used Bright Data's Scraping Browser. This allowed me to easily mimic user interactions on the Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress websites.
- The user enters their desired product name in the search bar and clicks enter.
- A request is made to the app's node server with the user's search query.
- The server connects to Bright Data's scraping browser through Puppeteer.
- Once connected, the scraping browser navigates to Amazon, eBay, and Aliexpress.
- The user's search query is then entered into the search bar of all three websites.
- The price filter dropdown on each website is clicked and the filter from lowest price option is selected.
- The results on the page are gotten and returned to the application and the scraping browser is closed.
- The price for the item returned from the three sites is then compared against each other and the site with the cheapest price for the queried product is then displayed to the user.
Bright Data's Scraping Browser made scraping the data from each of these site so much more easier than it would been had it been scraped manually.
Top comments (7)
Greta work. Is it possible to chat on a similar solution?
Oh woah, a good project! Congrats! 🥳
Thank you Thomas😊
Building a platform that integrates complex scraping across three major e-commerce sites is no easy feat. Using Puppeteer and Bright Data for interaction handling is a clever approach. Well done!
really nice
Thank youu