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Ever wanted to learn Portuguese while playing a classic game? Well, you might not become fluent, but playing my Hangman (Forca) game in Portuguese will at least teach you some words — and test your guessing skills! As part of my Python learning journey, I decided to build a Hangman game in the terminal. This project helped me understand concepts like string manipulation, loops, and object-oriented programming while having fun. The ideia was to make it a very polished experience, without unexpected crashes, counting games and victories, calling the player by the name.
The Project "Forca"
For this project I´ve created 4 classes and a utility file:
- Game - manages game flow
- Player - manages player data (lives, letters played, etc.)
- SecretWord - deals with word management and revealing letters
- HangmanDoll - holds the ASCII art.
- - contains some shared functions for reading file, clearing screen and input validation I tried to use a modular approach and type hints to really exercise OOP.
It was a great learning experience and I think the game turned out to be really funny to play!
I used Python in VScode for the entire game logic and Git for version control.
Code on GitHub
Future improvements
I intend to eventually add a GUI. Maybe Pygame?
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