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Ewe Lin Loo
Ewe Lin Loo

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Why did I decide to study software engineering?

Ever thought about what brought you here to and coding? This article is a short recount of my personal journey and motivations.

I started dabbling in code when I as a teenager playing around with their Neopets guild page. I was also exposed to coding through GaiaOnline, where I learnt the bare minimum to make an image map work in PHP.

I was fascinated by how interactivity could be produced from 'magical' text

However, it wasn't until some years ago when I found all the freely available resources for learning to code that my interest was re-ignited. I think was the first one that I tried to work through. I particularly loved the community and eventually found the numerous local get-togethers listed on

I found great online and local communities of fellow tech enthusiasts

It was through one of these communities (possibly a slack channel for p1xt's guide) that I learnt of CS50x. Managing to complete that re-awoke the initial feeling of awe I had experienced as a child.

I love the feeling of logic and creativity combined

Throughout this all, I had been working in a variety of jobs - retail, sales, admin, and captioning. I had yet to find a career. This is my final motivation for my earnest pursuit of software development.

A decent way to have an interesting, ever-evolving career

Thanks for coming to my TED talk! I'll be doing more posts in the future about the types of projects I get up to. Follow me if you're interested.

How did you get into IT? I'd love to hear from anyone, anyone at all! Just leave a comment below.

Top comments (2)

klawingco profile image
Marc Lawingco • Edited

I've been exposed to computer at young age, but honestly aside from games I never thought I will write codes as a profession.

I still remember going to College interview, my first and second choice is psychology or business admin, third choice which IT, is something I just write out in order to fill the 3 choices.

I honestly don't know what I want to do or to take that time so I just chose the first two because lots of my friends are in there. I will fit in right away.

Then the interviewer straight said to me I am not cut out for Psychology.
Another interview for Business ad, and my math grade is on so-so of requirement, and they already have lots of people in there, so in the end they said I can take IT if I want, I was like k fine, I don't want another set of interview,

and funny enough, I started the curriculum with no familiar face. I wrote my first hello world and that's it. I got hooked with coding.

Sometimes I wonder where I will be if I did take Psych or BA instead, would I be happy as I am now? Who knows

elloo profile image
Ewe Lin Loo

Thanks for the story! It's always interesting hearing about how people got started in the field :)