So you have been learning development for a while and want to make professional apps similar to Uber, Tinder, Spotify etc. But your current experience and UI knowledge is not allowing you to jump that high?
OR, if you are a freelancer or app development agency, you may be stuck in the “Portfolio-loop” — because you don’t have great looking apps to show off, you aren’t getting bigger projects from clients?
Your problem has an easy solution. We’ll introduce you to 12 amazing professional app templates which can jump start your app development, that too at dirt cheap prices.
Template vs Starter ?
You might be wondering what is the difference between a template and a starter. Here’s the general classification of App template vs App starter :
An app template is simply the UI of the app made in a particular language. This can be Android, iOS or a hybrid technology.
A starter on the other hand, includes features more than UI. E.g. A Taxi booking app which allows you to create a booking and accept booking on the Driver side, is not just a template, it is a starter.
Let’s look at the 12 amazing app starters and templates to jump start your app development. These apps are made in Ionic and React Native, so you can create both iOS and Android app from same source code.
1. Spotify App Template

This Spotify App Template is made with Ionic 4 Framework, that means you can create both iOS and Android apps, as well as , a PWA (Progressive Web App) from the same template.
The UI here is as amazing as Spotify. Also, with 2 apps and PWA combined, this app template will give you at least a $2000 savings on your music platform project. Is your client asking for a music app platform ? Look no further, find all details of the template here.
2. Netflix App Template

Well, there is no need to explain what this template does. This is a template inspired by Netflix itself, and is made in React Native framework. Wondering what React Native is ? React Native is an amazing app building framework that create high performance iOS and Android apps. Again, React Native uses a single source code for both iOS and Android.
This template is useful for those looking for a Video streaming app, either for entertainment or academic purpose. You can modify the template as you wish and publish your app on Play Store or App Store. Find all details of this template here.
3. Taxi Booking Complete Starter

In recent years, Uber has been copied by several other startups. But the need for more Taxi / cab booking platforms is ever increasing. This starter bundle actually contains three apps
- User app — For booking rides
- Driver app — For accepting rides
- Admin app — For managing users and drivers
Use this amazingly low-cost app to fuel your complete Taxi booking platform. This platform is again build on Ionic 4, so you can create both Android and iOS apps with single source code. Find more details of this amazing app starter here

4. Food Ordering App Template
With apps like Swiggy and Zomato in India, and Uber eats all around the world, Food ordering and delivery apps are rapidly gaining traction. You can create your own Food ordering and delivery app using this super-cool template.
This template is again made in Ionic 4. Plus it is also PWA compatible. So with single source code, you can create an Android app, iOS app and a website for Food ordering. This template lets you save at least $2000 on your Food ordering app project. More details of this supercool template can be found here.
5. Grocery Shopping App Starter

After big players like Amazon Pantry and BigBasket, Grocery shopping has also become a hot field for apps. With people growing ever lazy to go for grocery shopping, there is a need for a Grocery shopping app in every city and town.
This feature rich Grocery App Starter give you a complete app and Admin panel to jump start your Grocery platform.
You can find all features of the app and admin panel here
6. Dating App Template

With apps like Tinder, OkCupid, Happn and a lot others, there is enough in the dating world. But people aren’t getting enough of this. Dating apps are continuously being created in niche fields like Sports Dating app, College Dating app etc.
This Dating app template gives you the power to create your dating app in less than a week, with the amazing UI of Tinder itself. You’re going to save at least $1000+ with this template.
Check out all app details here
7. E-commerce App Starter with Woo-commerce

Creating an E-commerce app for their business is every businessman’s dream. With this amazing Ecommerce starter, you can now create both iOS and Android app from same source code. Plus, this starter is powered with Woo-commerce, the most used e-commerce back-end (CMS) in the world.
Essentially, you buy the source code, create a woo-commerce powered e-commerce shop free on any hosting, and just connect the app to your shop. That’s it ! your app is ready to receive orders and generate revenue for you.
Check out all the detailed feature list here
What’s interesting is, if you want this template without the woo-commerce back-end, you can simply out for the template alone version of this.
8. Ticket Booking App Template

This is a rather less popular category, but the players in this arena earn plenty. Apps like Bookmyshow, Eventbrite and Juven are few of the examples.
If you own a theatre or event location, or you are an event organizer, you NEED to have this app. This app template allows you to create your own ticket booking app with a pixel-perfect and detailed UI. You won’t have to touch anything in the UI. Just create your database and connect to the app, and you are good to go for a ticket booking platform. Also, because the app is in Ionic 4, you can create both iOS and Android apps with single source code, doubling up on your savings.
Find all the details for Ticket Booking Template here
9. Chat App Starter

Whether you want to create a stand-alone chat app, or you want to integrate a chat feature in your existing app, this app starter is for you.
This starter is made in React Native, along with a Firebase back-end. Firebase is the most popular mobile app back-end at present. It gets you a lot of in-built features like DB connection, push notifications, analytics, crashlytics etc.
You will be able to create both iOS and Android apps from this starter, and get the chat working within few hours, thanks to the integrated Firebase chat feature.
Find more details of the Chat features here
10. Carpool App Template

Carpooling is the need of the hour for most of the cities in the world. Given the situation of traffic in most big cities, more and more Carpooling apps are coming in market. Few examples are BlaBla Car, sRide, quickRide etc.
With this app template, you can start your own Carpool app, similar to BlaBla Car. All the carpool features are built-in, and you are going to save thousands of dollars on front-end development. Given this app is in Ionic 4, you’ll save up double by creating iOS and Android apps from same source code.
More details of the app template are available here
11. Short News App Template

Who doesn’t like reading viral news, or even regular news in short format. With apps like InShorts, Hike , buzzFeed etc. people are increasing getting a hang of short news apps.
With this app template, you can start your own News app within days. For demo purpose, Google News API is already integrated in this template. Plus, you can create both iOS and Android apps with single source code, thanks to Ionic 4 framework.
Check out more details of the template here
12. Offer and Discount App Template

Last, but not the least ! This offers and coupon discovery app can save a lot of money for your users, as well as, earn you a lot of dollars. This app is inspired by Nearbuy app.
There are several features built-in to create coupons and offers for your users. Just attach a back-end to the app and start powering the data from your platform. Create both iOS and Android apps with single source code, thanks to Ionic 4 framework.
Check all the details of this app template here
You just came across 12 amazing app templates and starters which you can use to jump start your app development. Whether you are a freelancer or an app development agency, these starters are going to save you thousands of dollars in each project. There is no denying that app development world is changing.
Next Steps
Now that you have seen some amazing app starter in Ionic framework, you might wanna learn more about
- Ionic 4 Payment Gateways — Stripe | PayPal | Apple Pay | RazorPay
- Ionic 4 Charts with — Google Charts | HighCharts | d3.js | Chart.js
- Ionic 4 Social Logins — Facebook | Google | Twitter
- Ionic 4 Authentications — Via Email | Anonymous
- Ionic 4 Features — Geolocation | QR Code reader | Pedometer
- Media in Ionic 4 — Audio | Video | Image Picker | Image Cropper
- Ionic 4 Essentials — Native Storage | Translations | RTL
- Ionic 4 messaging — Firebase Push | Reading SMS
- Ionic 4 with Firebase — Basics | Hosting and DB | Cloud functions
If you need a base to start your next Ionic 4 app, you can make your next awesome app using Ionic 4 Full App

Top comments (2)
Thanks for the information! The online app development cost differs according to the factors that involve in developing the app.
This is one amazing collection of app templates. It is a great tool for beginners to get going in the world of app development. The carefully selected templates provide a great foundation. As a result, one can quickly begin with minimal coding experience. It is a great source of inspiration for those eager to learn and experiment with app development. This is a very practical guide for newcomers to the world of mobile app creation.