What are pronouns?
What do they mean? How do I use them? How do I share my pronouns with other people?
I made a website to answer these questions.
There's a famous website that does something similar to this called the Pronoun Dressing Room, but I wanted to design a better solution: it is not at all optimized for mobile and doesn't include the pronouns I use.
Those were my two main motivations for redesigning the Pronoun Dressing Room, but I also just wanted a version that was more lean. The Pronoun Dressing Room uses some complex grammar terminology that many users would not understand, and I wanted to make something for people of every reading level.
Try it here! Try new pronouns and share new or old ones!
Top comments (1)
three years and no comments? let me change that, buddy :)
was looking for something like this to test out my new pronouns, was not disappointed!