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Hassan Azhar for epicX

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Detailed Comparison of Prettier, Biomejs, and VoidZero

The problem of keeping the codebase clean and reasonably consistent through the proper use of code-formatting tools and linters has made writing much more efficient within the modern web development landscape. The following is a review of three of the most popular tools, namely Prettier, Biome, and VoidZero. From Prettier's opinionated and widely adopted approach to Biome's all-in-one performance-driven solution to VoidZero's customizable, lightweight design, we get in-depth pros and cons and use cases for each, taking you through which tool best suits a specific need in your development work.

1. Prettier:

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that supports multiple languages and frameworks. With the rules of this formatter, it is used to enforce a consistent style in code by how it parses your code and prints out according to its own set of rules. This will provide safe avoidance from style preferences, and it makes the code cleaner and easier to maintain.


  • No configuration of rules like ESLint. Prettier enforces a consistent style.
  • It supports multiple languages including JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, JSON, GraphQL, and more.
  • integrates well with the majority of popular IDEs (VSCode, WebStorm, etc).
  • Once applied, it automatically formats codes as per the set of rules.


  • Eliminates arguments about code styles.
  • Zero or minimal configuration is used in ease.
  • Excellent multi-language support.


Less control over customizability. Users have less control over specific style decisions.

Sometimes, this will not be the best solution for big projects requiring complex linting rules

Why We Should Use Prettier

  • Prettier ensures consistent formatting throughout the codebase, which rejects all arguments regarding code style put forward by different developers. Everyone thus follows one set of rules.
  • It is pretty easy to install and apply. Additionally, it doesn't demand complex configurations. The application takes care of formatting by itself if given only some default rules.
  • Prettier supports multiple languages, including JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, JSON, etc., so it makes projects of various types of files even more versatile. -Most modern IDEs (VSCode, WebStorm, etc.) do native integration or are available through extensions for Prettier, which allows code to be formatted automatically the moment it gets saved.

Why Not Use Prettier?

  • Prettier is pretty opinionated and does not provide much configuration. In case you have a project for which you need something more specific formatting rules, then you will find Prettiers features pretty inconvenient.
  • In case you have a linter with really detailed rules there can be quite a lot of conflict between Prettier's formatting and linting rules, and this may be very hard to resolve.
  • Better will reformat everything according to its rules, which can result in very unnecessary changes in file size because of issues like white space, and trailing commas particularly in bigger projects.

2. Biome

Biome is code analysis, formatting, linting, bundling, and compilation into a single coding tool. All this would replace ESLint, Prettier, Babel, and Webpack. It offers a unified solution towards the entire JavaScript / TypeScript Ecosystem.

Key Features:

  • Everything in one tool linting, formatting, bundling, and compiling
  • Full TypeScript support with advanced type checking
  • Much faster performance than JavaScript-based tooling
  • Based on strict rules, best practices, with reasonable defaults


  • Built-in support for newer JavaScript/TypeScript standards
  • Deep integration in the TypeScript ecosystem
  • High-performance due to the Rust backend
  • Unified toolchain-no configuration of multiple tools


  • Configuration and tooling might not cater to niche requirements yet.
  • More mature than other tools; still young in terms of features and adoption.

Why We Should Use Biome:

  • Biome provides not only code formatting but also linting, type-checking, and bundling. Therefore, the lines of management concerning Prettier, ESLint, Babel, and Webpack would not be necessary.
  • Biome is written in Rust, so it's faster than most JavaScript-based tools like ESLint or Prettier for build times and for formatting large projects.
  • Your project will be working according to modern JavaScript and TypeScript standards, and you'll be up-to-date in best practices.
  • Biome supports TypeScript with type checking that is usually better integrated than other tools like ESLint.
  • It integrates multiple functionalities into a single tool; hence, you can simplify your development setup or avoid having different configurations for different tools.

Why We Should Not Use Biome:

  • Biome is a rather recent concept, and to my knowledge, not as widely adopted by the community as something like Prettier or ESLint, which can make debugging a bit more challenging.
  • Depending on Biome's growth scope, it may not cover enough edge cases or provide enough granular control that might be desired for highly specific linting or formatting rules by developers.
  • For anything smaller or extremely simple, Biome's setup comes off as overkill if you do not really need all of the extra features like bundling or advanced type checking.
  • If a project was already configured with ESLint, Prettier, etc., then migrating it to Biome would be highly painful and demanding, requiring a lot of refactoring and adjustments on previous configurations
  1. ## VoidZero The player is relatively more recent, acting as a minimalist, customizable code formatting and linting tool. Unlike Prettier and Biome, VoidZero delivers maximum flexibility and control over formatting rules to seamlessly integrate it with your development pipeline.

Key Features:

  • Supports many integrations can integrate with other popular tools such as ESLint.
  • It is a bit minimalist. It is rather simple and efficient. It targets teams that want strict control over how the code is formatted.
  • It is highly customizable. Users have complete control over the rules.


  • Less in memory and fast because of simplicity in design
  • Integration to works well with other tools such as ESLint.
  • More configurable for those who need finer control


  • Need much more effort during configuration and maintenance of rules
  • Smaller community and less adoption compared to Prettier or Biome.

Why We Should Use VoidZero:

  • Prettier can't be customized to this extent as VoidZero. The developer of Void Zero designed it for teams or projects requiring control over fine-grained formatting and linting rules. You can define exactly how your code should be formatted and styled.
  • Concentrating solely on formatting and linting, void zero is lighter than similar tools such as Biome. This makes it a good fit for projects that do not need one-stop solution formats but still want flexible formatting.
  • If everything's meshing up correctly, ESLint can perfectly blend with it, so it will definitely be a pretty versatile element of the toolchain.
  • If a project does not require all the scopes Prettier or Biome can offer, VoidZero can provide the necessary balance of low setup and high customizability.

Why We Should Not Use VoidZero:

  • VoidZero is a much smaller community and less codified ruleset compared to more mature tools such as Prettier and ESLint; therefore, it has fewer pre-built integrations and support from the community.
  • With great flexibility comes complexity. Configuration of and maintenance of VoidZero require much more manual effort to fine-tune formatting rules, especially if your team grows or has changing needs.
  • While Prettier is not opinionated, VoidZero does not offer an opinionated setup, which might make it less efficient for teams seeking a fast, out-of-the-box setup without configuring their own formatting standard.
  • oidZero might not support as much language compared to Prettier, especially for projects with mixed tech stacks such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSON, etc.

The choice of a code formatting and linting tool depends on your project's needs, but Prettier has an edge as the most popular one because of its simplicity and the fact that there is widespread usage in teams; it provides easy setup and ease of consistent style enforcement. Biome offers a well-featured, all-in-one option and does much more than simple formatting; it will really be well-suited for more-large requirements including performance and modern standards. VoidZero is far more customizable to teams that need far more control over their formatting rules. Each one does something different. Knowing these will help you pick a better tool for your development workflow.

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