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How I made building Job-Landing Portfolios super easy: A Tool for Devs, by a Dev

I got tired of diving into old code and fixing responsiveness bugs just to keep my portfolio page up to date so I built LeetPost, a tool that lets you build and deploy stunning looking portfolios and build CVs just as gorgeous with just a few clicks.

Here's what LeetPost does:

  1. Connects to your GitHub account
  2. Curates your best projects
  3. Generates a breathtakingly beautiful portfolio in seconds

What sets LeetPost apart:

  • Gorgeous, modern designs that make your work shine
  • Fully responsive layouts that look amazing on any device
  • ATS-friendly resume generation to boost your job hunt
  • AI-powered project descriptions that capture your brilliance
  • Customizable themes to match your personal brand

As a developer, I knew the portfolio had to be more than just prettyโ€”it had to perform. Every LeetPost portfolio is optimized for speed, accessibility, and SEO, ensuring your work stands out to both recruiters and search engines.

The journey of building LeetPost taught me volumes about creating intuitive UIs and leveraging AI to enhance user content. This tool really helps me not need to return to code I wrote years ago in order to add stuff to my portfolio.

You can give LeetPost a try here:

I'm eager to hear the community's feedback!

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