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Evelyn Oviangbede
Evelyn Oviangbede

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Project - ME.

It's never too late to restart

Hi there, I'm in my early twenties, and for some strange reason, I hear myself say things like 'I used to love reading', 'I miss being able to sit for hours solving calculus', and 'I miss being able to focus and concentrate'. It's sad how much I had lost and how far I had gone before realising how much of myself I had let go. It's sad to see now that the need for my old self makes me see and miss the absence of the old me.

So the quote highlighted above is used more frequently by people who started new careers or got new degrees in their 30's. It's mostly one decade past the previous. I am in my 20s wanting my teen self as they in their 30s reflect on their twenties or childhood and decide they want something else for themselves.

I'm not waiting until I'm 30 before deciding to restart. I'm not necessarily restarting, I'm just trying to actualise my potential by becoming who I need to be while at it.

Things to get rid of

  • Procrastination
  • Lack of discipline
  • easily distracted / lack of focus
  • too much use & consumption of social media
  • People pleasing and over-depending on others (for excitement) while self-sustaining. It'll suck me dry, and I'll always be confused/without direction
  • lack of enough fuel or passion
  • not knowing what I want
  • abandoning projects/plans mid-way
  • unwillingness to do the hard things
  • forgetfulness

Things I used to struggle with:

  • all of the things I need to get rid of
  • indiscipline & addictions- Social media, pornography, making out, masturbating
  • anxieties, panic attacks, overwhelming feelings, brain saturation, inability to focus, forgetfulness, grief, not knowing how to process emotions, being extra like feeling too much or disconnecting (I'm sanguine so I'm almost always bursting with energy when I'm with people, but being sad/lonely/melancholy when I'm at home.


  • To reinvent, and reconnect with myself.
  • Get my conscience back

Things I genuinely used to like:

  • reading
  • fellowshipping with God
  • Solving calculus

Things to achieve:

  • Get back into my flow
  • Enjoy spending time by myself


  • Identify my desire -> Want-> Vision
  • Identify my why - reason for wanting what I want
  • รdetify my want - how much do I want it?
  • constantly remind myself of the what, why and how much?
  • Put goals and visions in front of my face. Always seeing it

I've tried to restart my life many times, I hope I do it for real this time.

Top comments (1)

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Evelyn Oviangbede

Welldone Evelyn, I'm incredibly proud of you!