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Tobias Felber
Tobias Felber

Posted on

Initial project setup of a MEAN stack

This blog post was originally published on ToubiDev

MEAN Stack

The MEAN stack is a collection of technologies that allow you to write the application with JavaScript. On the client side as well as on the server side. Furthermore, the entire stack is free and open-source. All frameworks work very well together. The MEAN stack is very well suited to create a robust and dynamic web application.

The MEAN stack consists of the following four components:

  • MongoDB – NoSQL database which stores data in JSON format
  • Express.js – Web Framework which runs with Node.js
  • Angular – Frontend Framework written with TypeScript
  • Node.js – JavaScript Runtime


Before we can start the project, the following two things must be installed:


To initialize the server, we create a new folder called server in the root directory. In this directory we execute npm init.

npm init

With this command we create a package.json file. This file manages all local npm packages needed for the project. It also contains the metadata of the project, like the name or version.

For the server we still need some dependencies. We install them as follows:

npm install express body-parser mongoose nodemon --save

As already mentioned, “express” is our web framework for the server. “body-parser” is a middleware application and parses the request body. “mongoose” is in object modeling tool for MongoDB. It also allows us to interact with the database. “nodemon” is a useful tool to show live changes. It waits for changes in the code and restarts the server automatically. However, nodemon should only be used in development.

Now we can start configuring the server. We have already created the directory server. This will contain all controllers, models and routes. In the directory server we now create the file base.route.js in the subdirectory called routes:

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();

router.get('/', function (req, res) {
    res.send('API works!');

module.exports = router;
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Not much is happening here yet. We just added a route which returns “API works!” when called. To call this route, we need to be able to start the server first. For this we create a file called server.js in the directory server:

const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const http = require('http');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const dbConfig = require('./config/database.config');
const routes = require('./routes/base.route');

const app = express();

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));

app.use('/api', routes);

mongoose.connect(dbConfig.url, {
    useNewUrlParser: true,
    useUnifiedTopology: true,
    useCreateIndex: true,
}).then(() => {
    console.log("Successfully connected to the database");
}).catch(err => {
    console.log('Could not connect to the database. Exiting now...', err);

const port = process.env.PORT || '8000';
app.set('port', port);

const server = http.createServer(app);

server.listen(port, function () {`Server is up and running on port ${port}`)
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As already mentioned, the first thing to insert is the “body parser”. Then we configure the route so that our API runs under /api. Finally we connect to the database which is defined in the file config/database.config.js:

module.exports = {
    url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mean_stack'
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MongoDB will automatically create the database, in this case “mean_stack”.

To start the server now, we can run node server.js. But we have installed nodemon so that we don’t have to restart the server after every change. To use Nodemon, we have to modify the file package.json. We add the following under scripts:

"start": "nodemon server.js"

If we run npm start now, the server will start and is available at http://localhost:8000. And at http://localhost:8000/api you can see the message “API works!” from our API.

Now the folder structure should look like this:

    |   package-lock.json
    |   package.json
    |   server.js
    |       database.config.js
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Angular App

First we install the Angular CLI tool:

npm install -g @angular/cli

With this tool the creation of the Angular application is made very easy. It only needs the command ng new app

ng new app

Below the created directory app is now our Angular application installed. To start it we execute the following command:

ng serve

The Angular application is now running at http://localhost:4200.

angular app

The folder structure of the Angular application should look like this:

|   |   .editorconfig
|   |   .gitignore
|   |   angular.json
|   |   browserslist
|   |   karma.conf.js
|   |   package-lock.json
|   |   package.json
|   |
|   |
|   |   tsconfig.json
|   |   tsconfig.spec.json
|   |   tslint.json
|   |   
|   +---e2e
|   |   |   protractor.conf.js
|   |   |   tsconfig.json
|   |   |   
|   |   \---src
|   |           app.e2e-spec.ts
|   |           app.po.ts
|   |           
|   \---src
|       |   favicon.ico
|       |   index.html
|       |   main.ts
|       |   polyfills.ts
|       |   styles.css
|       |   test.ts
|       |   
|       +---app
|       |       app.component.css
|       |       app.component.html
|       |       app.component.spec.ts
|       |       app.component.ts
|       |       app.module.ts
|       |       
|       +---assets
|       |       .gitkeep
|       |       
|       \---environments
|               environment.ts
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You can find the code in the following Repository:

GitHub logo felberto / mean-stack-initial-setup

code for the tutorial on

Mean stack - Initial setup

Initial setup code for the blog tutorial on

Getting started


To run this project MongoDB and Node.js must be installed



Install the dependecies

Before the project can be started, the dependencies must be installed:

$ npm install

Start project

$ npm start

Angular App

Install the dependecies

Before the project can be started, the dependencies must be installed:

$ npm install

Start project

$ ng serve

Built with

MongoDB - database
Express - web framework for Node.js
Angular - front-end framework
Node.js - JavaScript runtime

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