Recently I started preparing for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification exam from Microsoft with an aim to give the exam before the year 2020 ends.
AZ-900 is the first exam to be taken from the Azure certifications roadmap as given below. There are other exams as well, but I am looking to take the below developer roadmap.
Below are the courses & materials which I have gone through:
Free | Paid (Udemy) |
1. Microsoft Learn path for AZ-900 | 1. Azure Fundamentals: AZ-900 Certification +Practice Questions by Kevin Brown |
2. Youtube - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Course (AZ-900) - Pass the exam in 3 hours! By Andrew Brown ( | 2. AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Prep -Oct 2020 by Scott Duffy |
3. AZ-900 Cloud Notes by Rishab Kumar | 3. AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Original Practice Tests by Scott Duffy |
4. AZ-900 Labs: | |
5. AZ-900 Practice Questions Sample: |
How I prepared for the certification:
- 20-30 minutes of daily learning for 30 days.
- Practice tests were very helpful in testing the learning & mocking an exam scenario which helps to build confidence before the actual exam. So always try to give some practice tests.
- If you are already aware of basic cloud computing concepts, then try to give the practice tests first, just to assess your knowledge.
Currently if you register for the Microsoft Virtual Training Days & attend the event then you can get a shot at the Azure Fundamentals certification free of cost.
So what are you waiting for – Register here & get your free exam certification voucher.
Is your employer, a Microsoft Partner, then you can schedule your Microsoft certification for free. Try registering with your work email. Follow the steps: via Twitter @johanrin
- Schedule a new exam
- Edit your profile by changing your email by your work email & confirm
- Enter this email again & click Check Eligibility
- Enter your code to confirm
- Claim your voucher
You can schedule AZ-900 certification exam by visiting
Cost of the certification exam depends based on the country.
Due to the pandemic, Microsoft has provided an option to take up the exam from the comfort of your home.
Do remember, before the exam day, you need to test your system by completing the OnVUE system requirements -
Please share your questions or comments, will be happy to help.
Top comments (4)
Cleared my AZ-900 with 942. Thank you for the detailed exam guide. Free practice tests u mentioned has lot of incorrect answers. With a recommendation from colleague, i used Skillcertpro ( for practice tests as they offer real exam questions with verified answers and good explanations and also providing free cheat sheet. It helped a lot for me in the exam. Mentioning here as it may help someone. Thank you!
Just passed the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam, and I owe it all to P2PCerts! 🌟 Their incredible materials, along with a 100% passing guarantee, helped turn my dream into reality. I trusted them, and it paid off big time! 💯🚀
Your Way To Success>>
My Friend suggested me P2PExams. I got az-900 practice test from P2PExams and it was quite helpful. I passed my exam with excellent grades.
Preparing for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam with CertsFire is an excellent choice. CertsFire provides comprehensive study materials, including practice questions and other resources, to help you succeed in the AZ-900 exam. Here's why CertsFire is a great option for preparing for the AZ-900 certification:
Real and Updated Exam Questions:
CertsFire offers real, valid, and updated exam questions that closely resemble what you'll encounter in the actual AZ-900 exam. This ensures that you are well-prepared for the types of questions that will be presented.
User-Friendly Formats:
CertsFire provides study materials in various user-friendly formats, including PDFs and online practice tests. This flexibility allows you to choose the format that best suits your learning preferences and schedule.
Free Demo for Evaluation:
CertsFire offers a free demo of its study materials, allowing you to evaluate the quality and relevance of the content before making a purchase. This ensures that you can make an informed decision based on your specific needs.
Regular Updates:
The AZ-900 exam content may be updated over time. CertsFire provides free updates to its study materials, ensuring that you have access to the latest information and are well-prepared for any changes in the exam format or content.
**Get Free Updated Microsoft AZ-900 Exam Questions Demo: **
Affordable Pricing:
CertsFire offers its study materials at an affordable price, making it accessible to a wide range of learners. The value-packed content ensures that your investment contributes to your success in the AZ-900 exam.
Comprehensive Coverage:
CertsFire's study materials cover all the key topics and objectives outlined in the AZ-900 exam. This comprehensive coverage ensures that you have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Microsoft Azure.
Convenient Study Anytime, Anywhere:
With CertsFire's study materials, you can conveniently study anytime and anywhere. Whether you prefer to study at home, in the office, or while on the go, CertsFire provides the flexibility to accommodate your learning preferences.
Detailed Explanations and References:
CertsFire includes detailed explanations for each question, helping you understand the rationale behind the correct answers. Additionally, the study materials may include references to further resources for deeper exploration of specific topics.
To get started with your preparation for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam using CertsFire:
Visit the CertsFire Website:
Go to the CertsFire website to explore the available study materials for the AZ-900 exam.
Download the Free Demo:
Download the free demo to evaluate the quality and suitability of the study materials.
Consider Purchasing the Full Version:
If satisfied with the demo, consider purchasing the full version of CertsFire's study materials for comprehensive preparation.
Study, Practice, and Succeed:
Utilize the study materials to study, practice with practice exams, and confidently approach the AZ-900 certification exam, knowing that you are well-prepared.
Remember to check the CertsFire website for any updates and additional resources that may enhance your preparation for the AZ-900 exam. Good luck!