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Skills That Everyone Thinks Web Developers Have

When you tell people that you are a web developer they start to see you as a different person. You'll get questions like, "Why isn't my Wi-Fi working" or "Can you tell me the best website for cheese". It can get pretty hilarious when the non-techy people around you start to think you're a master of the internet and all the things it holds.

Once you reveal your web development powers, your life will change in the most interesting ways.

You now know how to fix computer problems.

It doesn't matter if you've never worked with anything more complex than a flash drive. Once people know you work with computers in some form, you'll become the go to person for all computer problems. Be ready to explain to people that you aren't sure why their mouse isn't working or what happened to that folder they needed.

Although you will start to learn some of the answers to these questions if you have enough friends, family, and co-workers ask you repeatedly. Soon you might actually know how to fix computer problems.

You control the internet.

Web developers make websites so that means they control them all, right? Someone might even ask you why Netflix is down or if you can speed it up. After you explain to them a few times that you can't get access to every website they'll back off for a while.

Then something else will pop up and you'll have another random question about a website you don't even know about. The good thing is that you'll be able to explain servers and cyber security to them and they will both learn something new and go tell more people about it.

You are tech support.

This is especially true if you work for a smaller company that lumps I.T. and software together. So don't be surprised when someone comes to you freaking out about the network being down. Also, don't be surprised when they get a little irritated if you have no idea what to do about it.

Get ready to answer user questions about the web app you're building while you are working on bugs that will fix the problems they are griping about. Get ready to sharpen those critical people skills because this is the time that they will grow the most.

I know some of these things sound ridiculous, but you'd be surprised by the questions people ask. Not everybody is tech savvy and most of the time they'll appreciate it when you explain stuff to them without being condescending.

Hopefully you got a few chuckles out of this. What are some of the weirdest, most non web development related questions you've gotten because people know you write some sort of code? People make the assumption that I'm a hacker just because they saw some JavaScript in a black IDE. It's easier to go along with them sometimes.

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Top comments (50)

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

"Can you hack my friend's Facebook account?"


sduduzog profile image

My girlfriend asked me this once, I sat her down explained why it was impossible, why no one in our whole campus can't do it and how phishing, theft of credentials and social engineering are mistaken for actual facebook hacks

vasilvestre profile image
Valentin Silvestre

Twice this month. Both my own family asking about gf/bf

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

I've got this before... :|

I charge them 50 bucks, then print out the olds 10 posts :D.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

Evil. That person probably deserved it though (Hacking peoples accounts isn't a nice thing to do or ask of someone else).

zooly profile image
Hugo Torzuoli

"I have a mobile app idea, similar to Facebook, it will buzz! Can you develop it for tomorrow ?"

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

'I have an idea for Uber-for-dog-walking' - them
'Oh yea? How much market research, advertising, business plan, and funding do you have?'- me
'none' - them
'go away' - me

zooly profile image
Hugo Torzuoli

Haha exactly !

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar • Edited

I HATE this the MOST!

eboye profile image

Yup, I can, just give me million dollars in cash this evening :)

cacarrpdxweb profile image
Christopher Carr

I wrongly assume rather different things about web developers -- e.g., that they can figure out how to install Ubuntu in a VM, or that they have at least a basic understanding of how operating systems work.

Maybe an article about what they should know, but often don't.

lewiscowles1986 profile image
Lewis Cowles

Maybe an article on snarky ops nerds being twats instead of shipping an ova

gmanon profile image
GManon • Edited

Yes, usually a web developer can do all of that, but he or she is not an expert on those subjects.

I was told to set up an old computer in my church. It took me a while because the hardware was very old. I installed Ubuntu SE. I rebuild everything to hide the administration from non saby users, installed a couple more applications and even the basic servers to start a website. At the end, I was proud of my work, but they were not happy because it wasn't Windows. Well, the machine came with Windows 98 and it wasn't ready for internet. I even bought a wireless adapter with my own money.

At the end, I told them that I wasn't a technician, but a developer. And to then, their idea was that I wasn't professional.

All the work and even free.

To many, if you are not an technician that can solve their problem, whatever it may be, you don't know what you are doing.

gafotech profile image
Gabriel Garcia

That might be an extremely long article 😂

biros profile image
Boris Jamot ✊ /

My family has absolutely no idea of what I am doing all the day.
I don't know how to explain it to them.
And they keep asking me to get their internet box to work.

I wish I could go back in time and tell them I work at the post office...

allanjeremy profile image
Allan N Jeremy


phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

People make the assumption that I'm a hacker just because they saw some JavaScript in a black IDE. It's easier to go along with them sometimes.

Next time, open this: rattle out some kernel code by mashing the keyboard, then hit Alt 3 times, or CapsLock 3 times. Enjoy :)

tabuz profile image

Using terminal totally freaks out my family. Most hilarious phrase was - 'Are you hacking NASA? But yes my friend, you are right, if you working with computer you instantly become the wizard that can do magic others can't.

sebastiangperez profile image
Sebastiangperez • Edited

So here i am ... talking about this.
im working right now at an media company, im the only guy who knows html.
All this problems that you mention above is true and i felt related to that until i talk to my boss and... they read some Union status and responsabilities, but they mistaken the job, there were reading the IT status and i told them.. " so , where in this status said that i'm a programmer". they didn't knew what to do.

phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

Sounds like you have plenty of opportunity ahead of you to make things better :)

sebastiangperez profile image
Sebastiangperez • Edited

I been here for 8 years aprox, the first years where good, now is horrible. do you have a job? :P

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️ • Edited

or if you can speed it up.

As a matter of fact, yes. I can speed up web pages by blocking certain resources, which requires some knowledge of the web to know what to block and what not to block.

What are some of the weirdest, most non web development related questions you've gotten because people know you write some sort of code?

I'm a programmer. I write programs. I know things about algorithms, programming paradigms and patterns, etc. Yet I cannot visit my grandparents without having to troubleshoot something with either their TV, the video editing program or some other electronic device that has little to nothing to do with my actual job description.

In peoples heads: Programmer == Someone who's good with computers

lewiscowles1986 profile image
Lewis Cowles

From my sister (who should know better). {National ISP} says it could take 2 weeks for my business to get internet connection, what can you do?

I called her to find she thought us nerds were jealously guarding wires with internet communications which we'd presumably been presented with by someone with a beard and a pot belly.

At first I said "I'll send Kieran up the M6 with the wire" but instead of laugh she simply asked how long it would take for him to walk 150 miles (I guess assuming the wire was weightless???)

ddpepperlove profile image
Adam Wood

As a developer who has a background in tech support, network engineering, phone systems, applications..etc,etc... Those things are just not my job anymore. Our most hated word at my job is "glitch" which is uneliversal for "it doesn't do what I want so it's glitched'.

akashkava profile image
Akash Kava

Why the simple app need budget of $100,000+? people on freelance websites offer it only for $50-$200.

joshleong profile image
Josh Leong

"My bank website isn't showing my recent transfer, can you fix that?!" facepalm

stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel

I guess that actually applies to a lot of professions. Before I was full-time developer, I studied electrical engineering and people thought I’m a an electrician and can fix their power sockets. When I told them that I work for Bosch they asked me if I can fix their washing machine.

And honestly, I’ve done the same. When I talk to a lawyer, I’d probably ask them about any sort of legal question that they have no idea about because they work in a diffferent branch.


maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

Oh God the tech support one...someone once said that because I work with stuff on the internet, I could somehow fix and setup their cable for them. All I wound up doing was calling the company and asking for help, the same thing anyone else would do.

clam0626 profile image

LOL this is the issue I have with my family and my job. They know that I went to get a tech degree so they assume I'm an IT personnel even though I constantly tell them that I studied code...I mean...I can try to help you connect to the wifi or set up your devices but I don't troubleshoot.

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