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Cover image for 100 Days - 100 Projects Challenge
Florin Pop
Florin Pop

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100 Days - 100 Projects Challenge

The past couple of months I found out something really important about myself. It turns out that I really, REALLY love challenges! So I came up with a new challenge to push my limits even further!

I'm calling the challenge: 100 Days - 100 Projects and the purpose is to build 100 projects in 100 days or 1 project / day (pretty obvious, right?).
Think of it as the next step if you ever participated in the #100DaysOfCode challenge.

You can read more about the challenge, its purpose, rules and variations in The Complete Guide.

I'm planning to start the challenge today (17th September 2019) and anyone is welcome to join! πŸ˜ƒ
You can even join the discord server if you want to be closer to me and the other participants - the support group!

You'll be able to see my progress if you follow me on Twitter or check the #100Days100Projects hashtag.

Come and support us when our motivation will drop! πŸ˜„

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Top comments (14)

lopis profile image
Joao L.

This seems interesting but why restrict the projects to programming? There are a few projects that I have been working lately which are non tech at all. Don't let perfectly interesting projects slip your mind just because you can't host them on github. My next project is making my first kombucha :)

florinpop17 profile image
Florin Pop

I want it to be programming related. Feel free to do it as you see fit! πŸ˜ƒ

lopis profile image
Joao L.

As long as you're learning something everyday. Good luck.

brianmcoates profile image

Do you have a list of the projects you are going or plan on building?

florinpop17 profile image
Florin Pop

I do have some ideas yes, but I need to do more research / brainstorming or I'm thinking of letting others suggest me projects. πŸ˜„

brianmcoates profile image

Love it! Would love to see it when you as you are building out the list. :D Thank you for sharing your challenge with us!

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florinpop17 profile image
Florin Pop

I don't think I'll ever have the full 100 ideas before I do them. I like to improvise! πŸ˜ƒ

Going with the flow

Thread Thread
brianmcoates profile image

Well even just a small list would be cool! :)

elbugz profile image
Greg Brown

Seems like a very interesting project if you look at things in a very granular level. Think of projects like "user login" then "oauth2.login with GitHub" then add another provider. Twitter scraper, Facebook scraper... Those are things, that if done well, will give you resources for future large scale projects.
One 1-day-project I did a couple years back was a Facebook post interaction analyzer. It would classify posts based on some calculations with reach, likes, comments and so on, then notify my media Dept whether to boost the post and when to stop boosting.

florinpop17 profile image
Florin Pop

It is a challenging project for sure! I'm at day 7 now πŸ˜„

nataliedeweerd profile image
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚π₯𝐒𝐞 𝐝𝐞 π–πžπžπ«π

Good luck! I feel like the hardest part will be coming up with the ideas. Do you already have a plan of what you want to do every day? And are they feasible to be completed within a few hours?

florinpop17 profile image
Florin Pop

Thank you!

I don't have lots of ideas now. πŸ˜ƒ I'll have to set aside a couple of hours to do that soon.

deleteman123 profile image
Fernando Doglio

Good luck man! Looking forward to seeing your progress!

florinpop17 profile image
Florin Pop

Thank you! I'll post my progress on Social Media and on my blog!