DEV Community

Florin Pop
Florin Pop

Posted on

How old were you when you wrote your first line of code?

And maybe tell us what you wrote? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I started at around 15-16 in High School and if I remember correctly it was a little bit of HTML that we wrote ๐Ÿ˜Š

Oldest comments (79)

hurricaneinteractive profile image

Around 15, building a gardening game in Game Maker.

luisgmoreno profile image
Luigui Moreno

23, sure I had written code before to courses in college, but when I start programming for the sake of programming I was 23 YO, I remember the I started reading a "For Dummies" book about css, html and javascript, that also happens to have php included great book at the time by Andy Harris

rajakumardev profile image

i was 13(2008) when i wrote first line :P i did a photo gallery in Html, css, js.
also started programming in java... to be honest the java part is tough as hell for me at that time... :)

d1p profile image
Debashis Dip

I think it was around 15-16 as well, It was some visual basic 6 codes, the goal was to build a 3rd party UI interface for a popular chatting platform with some additional (might call abusive) features.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes • Edited

I was 17 or 18 and was in college. First language was Turbo C(2008); then I forgot everything. Fast forward to today, first program I wrote was a Twitter Bot in Python.

florinpop17 profile image
Florin Pop

What does the Twitter Bot do? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

It tweets jokes from the icanhazdadjoke api hahaha

arnyminerz profile image
Arnyminer Z

Maybe 11-12, in school, just trying to get started. Wrote some batch for some testing code.

jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

14-15. It was a language called C-Script. C-Script was a scripting language built for A4 3d GameStudio made by some German company. I tried to make video games back in the day and realized how much of a chore that really is.

C-Script later got replaced by Lite-C, a super set or maybe a library (not sure how exactly it worked) of C++. Lite-C you could write any valid C++ as well as Gamestudio's own library of code (so maybe it was a superset like Typescript is to JavaScript, I don't remember.)

Haven't touched it in years though. I have Unity and I know C# but I haven't gotten back into game dev, simply because I remember how much work it was.

dev_mathilde profile image

Around 14 years old I did the HTML/CSS course on Openclassroom (it wasn't named like that at this time)

chrisrhymes profile image
C.S. Rhymes

Does writing a sentence with the format โ€˜if this then thatโ€™ count as Iโ€™m sure most kids write that at school at some point without even realising its basic code.

florinpop17 profile image
Florin Pop

I guess it counts! :P

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

I was 10, and I wrote this in BASIC on a C16:

10 PRINT โ€œHALLOโ€
20 GOTO 10

saigkill profile image
Sascha Manns

I also begun when i was 10. I started on a C64 with BASIC.

lucsan profile image

๐Ÿฃ 12 years old on a Z80 using assembly, we would identify the error message buffers and insert rude words.

We had to load the OS every time from a cassette tape (a last century method of transporting sound information)

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Good times. I learnt 6502 assembler because programs I'd write for my Apple ][ were too stupidly slow in pretty much any other higher-level language.

rossdrew profile image

Gradually between the ages of 5-10 with Sinclair BASIC in the late 80s then later some Z80 assembly. First one was probably the hangman example in the ZX Spectrum manual.

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

QBasic at 11 or 12 I guess.
I started by modifying Textadventures and did all kinds of BEEP-stuff with the piezo-speaker. The most "complex" thing I started was what today is called a "Rougelike". I could control a figure and it even had a second room :-3

veebuv profile image
Vaibhav Namburi • Edited

Seventeen.Good mate C++

avalander profile image

I must have been 15-16 when I wrote my first line of Python. I just took a book on learning to program in Python, and I didn't code anything cool or fancy for years.