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How ChatGPT killed the fun? 🀔

I entered the world of software engineering because it was always challenging and investigating something new and achieving success at the end gave me a sense of excitement. The process of trying, learning, and understanding the background was the most enjoyable part of my work.

Currently, I am working as a senior backend engineer on various projects, and most of my daily tasks are not as challenging as before, which makes it difficult to feel satisfied. However, whenever I encounter something new or out of my expertise, I feel a sense of excitement and curiosity that drives me to investigate further.

Recently, my team was given a project from our client that required us to integrate a physical device with a browser through the serial port. However, the device was too big and difficult to transport to our office, which presented a challenge for us. Moreover, we had a tight deadline to create a POC for this project. To overcome these difficulties, we came up with an idea to emulate the physical device completely. I jumped right into it and began researching the protocol, browser's web serial API, docs, and similar GH projects, trying to acquire more knowledge about the whole thing. I was pretty hyped and it allowed me to experience the feeling of satisfaction that I had been missing.

I woke up this morning feeling great and ready to tackle the task that lay ahead. As soon as I had the chance, I jumped into it with excitement. However, when I opened Slack, my colleague sent me a message with a working example, saying "This is the piece of cake for my ChatGPT". It felt like the rug was pulled out from under me, and my enthusiasm quickly waned. Finally, I found something that brings the feeling back, but in a matter of seconds, that excitement was extinguished.

‹‹I don't want to give the wrong impression. ChatGPT is an excellent tool that I rely on daily. Ironically, I turned to ChatGPT for assistance in rephrasing this blog post as I am not a native English speaker 🀫

However, in this particular case, it killed the enjoyment for me. I'm certain that there are others like me who relish the process of problem-solving and learning along the way, and having ChatGPT here feels like using a cheat code in a game.‹

Now that I'm back to my not-so-exciting everyday grind, I want to share my thoughts and hear your take on the matter. ‹

Thank you for staying with me! 🙏🏻

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