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React Grid Loader Component

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React Grid Loader Component

React Grid Loader Component

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const { useRef, useEffect, useState, } = React;
const GridLoader = () => {
    const blendEases = (startEase, endEase, blender) => {
        var parse = function (ease) {
            return typeof (ease) === "function" ? ease : gsap.parseEase("power4.inOut");
            s = gsap.parseEase(startEase),
            e = gsap.parseEase(endEase),
            blender = parse(blender);
        return function (v) {
            var b = blender(v);
            return s(v) * (1 - b) + e(v) * b;
    let colorArray = ["ff595e", "ffca3a", "8ac926", "279af1", "6a4c93"];
    colorArray = => Array.from(x)[0] == '#' ? x : `#${x}`);
    const gridTl = gsap.timeline({ repeat: -1, defaults: { ease: blendEases('', 'back(0.93)') } }).timeScale(2);

    const getColor = (value) => {
        return colorArray[value % colorArray.length]
    let mainSVG = useRef();
    let row0 = useRef();
    let row1 = useRef();
    let row2 = useRef();
    let row3 = useRef();
    let whole = useRef();
    const stagger = 0.16;
    useEffect(() => {

        let allCircles = gsap.utils.toArray('circle');
        allCircles.forEach((i, c) => {
            gsap.set(i, {
                fill: getColor(c)
        //Executed on start and only once
            .to(row0.current.children, {
                duration: 1.6,
                transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
                x: '-=40',
                stagger: {
                    each: stagger,
                    from: 'end'
                fill: (i, c) => {
                    return getColor(i + 1)
                scale: (i, c) => {
                    return i > 7 ? 0 : 1
            }, 'step0')
            .to(row1.current.children, {
                duration: 1.4,
                transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
                x: '-=80',
                stagger: {
                    each: stagger,
                    from: 'end'
                fill: (i, c) => {
                    return getColor(i + 1)
                scale: (i, c) => {
                    return i > 6 ? 0 : 1

            }, 'step0')
            .to(row2.current.children, {
                duration: 1.2,
                transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
                x: '-=120',
                stagger: {
                    each: stagger,
                    from: 'end'
                fill: (i, c) => {
                    return getColor(i + 1)
                scale: (i, c) => {
                    return i > 5 ? 0 : 1
            }, 'step0')
            .to(row3.current.children, {
                duration: 1,
                transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
                x: '-=160',
                stagger: {
                    each: stagger,
                    from: 'end'
                fill: (i, c) => {
                    return getColor(i + 1)
                scale: (i, c) => {
                    return i > 4 ? 0 : 1
            }, 'step0')
    }, [])

    return (
        <svg ref={mainSVG} xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                <clipPath id="mask">
            <g ref={whole} clipPath="url(#mask)">
                <g ref={row0}>
                    <circle cx={440} cy={140} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={400} cy={140} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={360} cy={140} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={320} cy={140} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={280} cy={140} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={240} cy={140} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={200} cy={140} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={160} cy={140} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={120} cy={140} r={10} />
                <g ref={row1}>
                    <circle cx={440} cy={180} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={400} cy={180} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={360} cy={180} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={320} cy={180} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={280} cy={180} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={240} cy={180} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={200} cy={180} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={160} cy={180} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={120} cy={180} r={10} />
                <g ref={row2}>
                    <circle cx={440} cy={220} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={400} cy={220} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={360} cy={220} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={320} cy={220} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={280} cy={220} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={240} cy={220} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={200} cy={220} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={160} cy={220} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={120} cy={220} r={10} />
                <g ref={row3}>
                    <circle cx={440} cy={260} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={400} cy={260} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={360} cy={260} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={320} cy={260} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={280} cy={260} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={240} cy={260} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={200} cy={260} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={160} cy={260} r={10} />
                    <circle cx={120} cy={260} r={10} />


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