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we are frontend developers :-) we work using svelte, typescript, tailwindcss, scss, nest on nodejs, angular, pure css, our butopen design system

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How to develop a web component using tailwind: a modern starter kit (vite, tailwind, lit element, SCSS)

How to develop a web component using tailwind: a modern starter kit (vite, tailwind, lit element, SCSS)

5 min read

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How to handle input keyup events after the user stops typing - Svelte actions and debouncing

How to handle input keyup events after the user stops typing - Svelte actions and debouncing

4 min read
How to create a stepper atomic component using pure css and tailwind

How to create a stepper atomic component using pure css and tailwind

5 min read
How to create a new component in svelte using a template - svelte component scaffolding and boilerplate

How to create a new component in svelte using a template - svelte component scaffolding and boilerplate

2 min read
Why your frontend team is wasting hours every day without a design system

Why your frontend team is wasting hours every day without a design system

Comments 3
6 min read