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Top-10 Posts for FE (Week 2, Jul 2023)

Here are the top 10 posts from the past week that will be useful to front-end developers and beyond. The selection was made on the basis of their interestingness, uniqueness, presentation, usefulness and subjective assessment of the author.

JavaScript Debounce, Easiest explanation

This article explains the concept of debouncing and how to implement it in JavaScript, providing examples and real-life use cases to demonstrate its usefulness in optimizing web applications.

JavaScript Debounce, Easiest explanation

Introduction to CSS Grid: A Comprehensive Guide

This article is a comprehensive guide to CSS Grid, explaining its key concepts and providing practical code examples, enabling readers to create complex and responsive web layouts with ease.

Introduction to CSS Grid: A Comprehensive Guide

Qwik – The Post-Modern Framework

This article introduces Qwik, a high-performance framework that focuses on "doing less" by delaying the invocation of JavaScript and implementing resumability and prefetching techniques, along with Qwik City, a meta-framework designed for Qwik.

Qwik – The Post-Modern Framework

Web File API deep dive

This article provides a guide on working with file inputs in web applications, covering topics such as handling file selection, accessing file data, reading files with the FileReader API, creating object URLs, and sending files to a server.

Web File API deep dive

Using Mixins with SCSS to Create Breakpoints

This article explains how to use SCSS mixins to create breakpoints for responsive designs, allowing for layout changes at specific screen sizes, and providing an optimized user experience across devices.

Using Mixins with SCSS to Create Breakpoints

Top 20 Must-Know Tips for Web Accessibility

This article provides essential principles, practical advice, and examples for creating accessible websites, covering topics such as screen readers, ARIA attributes, semantic HTML, keyboard navigation, outlines, images, icons, buttons, links, forms, captions for videos, transcripts for audio, iframes, downloads, and bypass blocks.

Top 20 Must-Know Tips for Web Accessibility

Let's dive in to Cross-Origin

This article explains CORS, SOP, and provides solutions to fix CORS errors, helping developers overcome cross-origin resource sharing issues in web development.

Let's dive in to Cross-Origin

15 Advanced TypeScript Tips for Development

This article highlights various TypeScript features such as optional chaining, nullish coalescing operator, type assertion, generics, keyof operator, type guards, intersection types, mapped types, string literal types and union types, decorators, index signatures, type inference with conditional statements, readonly properties, type aliases, and type guards with classes.

15 Advanced TypeScript Tips for Development

CSS: The Good Parts

This article provides an overview of the evolution of CSS, from its early days of basic styling to its current state as a powerful tool for web design, including topics such as CSS selectors, the cascade and specificity, media queries, animations and transitions, CSS variables, layouts with flexbox and grid, and upcoming features in CSS.

CSS: The Good Parts

What is the Future of a Web Developer?

This article provides an overview of various trends and technologies that are shaping the future of web development, including voice search, motion UI, API-first approach, artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, progressive web apps (PWA), and blockchain.

What is the Future of a Web Developer?

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joanayebola profile image

Thank you for featuring my article