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FSH Infotech
FSH Infotech

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MongoDB and its features

MongoDB is an open-source document-based database. It is a trending NoSQL database used in the market right now to develop modern applications. It is written in C++.
It works on the concept of collections and documents.

Features of MongoDB

1) Cross Platform
2) Document based
3) High performance
4) Scalability

Collections and Documents

A collection is group of documents. It is similar to the table in a RDBMS database, whereas a document is a set of keys and values, it is similar to the row in RDBMS database.

Advantages of MongoDB

Schema less: There may not be a schema due to its document-holding pattern.

No joins: There are no complex joins, an inbuilt methods are available to get data from many collections.

Scaling: This database is very easy to scale because it contains JSON.

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Sloan the DEV Moderator

Hi there, we encourage authors to share their entire posts here on DEV, rather than mostly pointing to an external link. Doing so helps ensure that readers don’t have to jump around to too many different pages, and it helps focus the conversation right here in the comments section.

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FSH Infotech

Thank you for your suggestion, will follow from the next post.