I am looking for support for ara voice assistant to do this I am selling a couple of dell precision t3610s (desktop computers) on ebay. The first one https://www.ebay.com/itm/153834406902 is 400 USD, has 32 GB of ram a 6 core 3.5ghz intel xeon e5, 2x nvdia quadro k600s, and is in very good shape. the other one https://www.ebay.com/itm/153834910618 is 300 usd and has the same specs as the last one except 16 gigs of ram and some scratching on the chassis.
so what is ara?
well here is ara's github
A virtual assistant for almost any android phone.
Welcome to Ara for Android π
By Andromeda SoftwareAn ai assistant app for almost any android phone, That cares about privacy and productivity
- Open in android studio and use the normal steps to run
./gradlew test
to run the unit tests -
./gradlew install
to install the app
π€ Fulton Browne
- Github: @FultonBrowne
π€ Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
If you contribute please commit to a new branch and explain details in your pull request not in your commit.
If you want to become an active contributor go here.
Show your support
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
π License
Copyright Β© 2020 Fulton Browne.
This project is GPL-3.0 licensed.
This README was generated with β€οΈ by readme-md-generator
The server for Ara.
Welcome to Ara's serverπ
By Andromeda SoftwareThe server that powers feed, AI search, and skills to the ara voice assistant
Running (incomplete)
make build to build
make test to run tests (note you may have to export nlp location outside of the make file)
π€ Fulton Browne
- Github: @FultonBrowne
π€ Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
If you contribute please commit to a new branch and explain details in your pull request not in your commit.
If you want to become an active contributor go here.
Show your support
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
π License
Copyright Β© 2019 Fulton Browne.
This project is GPL-3.0 licensed.
This README was generated with β€οΈ by readme-md-generator
in brief ara is an open source voice assistant designed with privacy and productivity in mind. ara is currently at beta 8 and the 1.0 will be after beta 10.
purchasing these machines will also help me start up 4 other project I am currently planning
you can also support ara with a coffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/28EcqNL
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