DEV Community

Gabriel Toma
Gabriel Toma

Posted on • Originally published at

Just say it: "I don't know"

Newsflash: Leaders don't have all the answers. The strongest thing you can sometimes say is "I don't know." It invites collaboration and shows vulnerability. It turns uncertainty into opportunity. It's a cue for honesty and a green light for curiosity.

Saying "I don't know" is so underrated. Too often, we avoid it because it feels risky, like it might show a flaw. We've been trained to believe that being in charge means having it all figured out, ready to fire off answers at a moment's notice. But it's not about having every answer; it's about knowing when you don't and having the confidence to say it. Real growth comes from admitting what we don't know and diving in to find out.

More importantly, this one buys time. A quick response can satisfy an immediate need, but taking time to find a real answer adds value. Not knowing isn't a failure; it's the first step to learning and getting crystal clear information.

So, stop pretending. Embrace "I don't know" - and then go find out.

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Top comments (2)

gregharis profile image
Grëg Häris

"So, stop pretending. Embrace "I don't know" - and then go find out."

That sums it up.

We should learn to accept when don't know the answers but never stop there. The next step is to Go find the answers.

Thanks for sharing this

programmerraja profile image

This is a really refreshing perspective! "I don't know" can be so powerful, and it's something we should all embrace more often.