DEV Community

Gaurav Singh
Gaurav Singh

Posted on

World most powerful math function!

subtraction including larger digits

Adding, subtraction, multiplication and division for long digit in JavaScript may not give correct answer.

So, I create math function solve those problem.

Here you can try this codepen:

Source code of repo here:

Currently math-code support addition, subtraction, multiplication, divison, <, >, <=, >=, =, !=

Floating digit also.
You can multiply 30, 50 digit using decimal number with high accuracy.

Top comments (4)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

Javascript can natively handle integers like this just fine with BigInts:

12344445561899921212212323323n - 556273382382776626287828267622n
// -543928936820876705075615944299n
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gauravnumber profile image
Gaurav Singh

But in math-code you can solve 500 digit number also.

vermamayank564 profile image

Tell me your terminal configuration bro?

gauravnumber profile image
Gaurav Singh

I use zsh shell with ohmyzsh framework added zsh-autocomplete plugin