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Giulio Canti
Giulio Canti

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Getting started with fp-ts: Eq

In this blog series I will often talk about "type classes" and "instances", let's see what they are and how they are encoded in fp-ts.

"type class" on wikipedia

The programmer defines a type class by specifying a set of functions or constant names, together with their respective types, that must exist for every type that belongs to the class.

In fp-ts type classes are encoded as TypeScript interfaces.

A type class Eq, intended to contain types that admit equality, is declared in the following way

interface Eq<A> {
  /** returns `true` if `x` is equal to `y` */
  readonly equals: (x: A, y: A) => boolean
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The declaration may be read as

a type A belongs to type class Eq if there is a function named equal of the appropriate type, defined on it

What about the instances?

A programmer can make any type A a member of a given type class C by using an instance declaration that defines implementations of all of C's members for the particular type A.

In fp-ts instances are encoded as static dictionaries.

As an example here's the instance of Eq for the type number

const eqNumber: Eq<number> = {
  equals: (x, y) => x === y
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Instances must satisfy the following laws:

  1. Reflexivity: equals(x, x) === true, for all x in A
  2. Symmetry: equals(x, y) === equals(y, x), for all x, y in A
  3. Transitivity: if equals(x, y) === true and equals(y, z) === true, then equals(x, z) === true, for all x, y, z in A

A programmer could then define a function elem (which determines if an element is in an array) in the following way

function elem<A>(E: Eq<A>): (a: A, as: Array<A>) => boolean {
  return (a, as) => as.some(item => E.equals(item, a))

elem(eqNumber)(1, [1, 2, 3]) // true
elem(eqNumber)(4, [1, 2, 3]) // false
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Let's write some Eq instances for more complex types

type Point = {
  x: number
  y: number

const eqPoint: Eq<Point> = {
  equals: (p1, p2) => p1.x === p2.x && p1.y === p2.y
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We can even try to optimize equals by first checking reference equality

const eqPoint: Eq<Point> = {
  equals: (p1, p2) => p1 === p2 || (p1.x === p2.x && p1.y === p2.y)
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This is mostly boilerplate though. The good news is that we can build an Eq instance for a struct like Point if we can provide an Eq instance for each field.

Indeed the fp-ts/Eq module exports a getStructEq combinator:

import { getStructEq } from 'fp-ts/Eq'

const eqPoint: Eq<Point> = getStructEq({
  x: eqNumber,
  y: eqNumber
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We can go on and feed getStructEq with the instance just defined

type Vector = {
  from: Point
  to: Point

const eqVector: Eq<Vector> = getStructEq({
  from: eqPoint,
  to: eqPoint
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getStructEq is not the only combinator provided by fp-ts, here's a combinator that allows to derive an Eq instance for arrays

import { getEq } from 'fp-ts/Array'

const eqArrayOfPoints: Eq<Array<Point>> = getEq(eqPoint)
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Finally another useful way to build an Eq instance is the contramap combinator: given an instance of Eq for A and a function from B to A, we can derive an instance of Eq for B

import { contramap } from 'fp-ts/Eq'

type User = {
  userId: number
  name: string

/** two users are equal if their `userId` field is equal */
const eqUser = contramap((user: User) => user.userId)(eqNumber)

eqUser.equals({ userId: 1, name: 'Giulio' }, { userId: 1, name: 'Giulio Canti' }) // true
eqUser.equals({ userId: 1, name: 'Giulio' }, { userId: 2, name: 'Giulio' }) // false
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Top comments (6)

muzietto profile image
Marco Faustinelli • Edited

Can you please show through some realistic FP example what you do with an Eq<Point>? Possibly showing what you do with it that you cannot do with a plain Point?

I understand that this equals method allows comparison of points, but I could implement it inside type Point and get on with it.

Why is it useful to have an Eq<Point>? Thank you for your attention....

steida profile image
Daniel Steigerwald

Because you can compose equality checks. It means, minimal code without boilerplate with correctness via type checking. Here is a realistic example:

techtheriac profile image
Franklin Jezreel • Edited

I imagine a not so practical take on a type class that defines a contract as such:

interface Mutate<A, B> {
readonly transform: (a: A, b: B) => B;
readonly reflect: (a: A, b: B) => A;

With with the following implementation:

const transformation: Mutate<string, number> = {
transform: (x, y) => Number(x + y),
reflect: (x, y) => String(x + y),

can thus be utilized in the following way:

function forceToNumber<A, B>(
M: Mutate<string, number>
): (a: string, b: number) => number {
return (a, b) => M.transform(a, b);

function forceToString<A, B>(
M: Mutate<string, number>
): (a: string, b: number) => string {
return (a, b) => M.reflect(a, b);

console.log(typeof forceToString(transformation)("1", 2)); // prints string
console.log(typeof forceToNumber(transformation)("1", 2)); // prints number

kelerchian profile image

Hi Giulio, I'm a big fan of your masterpiece io-ts.

I'm not having the same experience with fp-ts, though, but as expected, I started from the other spectrum, the imperative background, working on imperative problems.

What do you find fp-ts comfortable to be used for beside working on larger functional problems like io-ts?

erichenry profile image

Why are User and Point declared using type instead of interface?

steida profile image
Daniel Steigerwald

There is no real reason. An interface would work as well. Check