⭐️ After spending days searching for the right API on an internal project, we noticed that many websites and blogs only provide a small, if not minimal, amount of usable resources. 🌎
🚀 So, we're super excited to introduce our new project, ApiVault, created specifically for the developer community! 🌐
🔍 ApiVault is a platform that provides all public APIs in one place, making the search process easier and more effective for developers around the world. 🌍
💡 Whether you're looking for APIs to add to your project or seeking inspiration to create new ones, ApiVault is the site for you.
🔧 Our platform enthusiastically welcomes all developers who want to participate actively by adding their APIs or working on improving the existing codebase. Collaboration is key for us and we're eager to see how the community will grow and develop together. 💼
🤝 We'd be happy to receive your feedback and ideas to make our platform even better. Your opinion is extremely important to us and will allow us to constantly improve the service.
Just 72 hours after the official launch, ApiVault reached:
- 🌎 over 2.1k users from around the world
- 👀 2,600 repository views
- ⭐ 92 stars received
- 👨💻 7 contributors to the project.
🖥️ Visit the website to explore the numerous APIs already available! 🎉
If you want to contribute feel free to do it!
Dev.to community, we hope you'll join us on this journey to make the search for usable APIs more accessible and efficient for developers everywhere. Let's build something great together!
And do not forget.. Happy coding to everyone! ❤️
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