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Cover image for Take me to the beach: Frontend
Gyemfa Abedi Gloria
Gyemfa Abedi Gloria

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Take me to the beach: Frontend

This is a submission for [Frontend Challenge v24.04.17]((, Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

What I Built

Welcome to our curated list of the best beaches in the world. Hover over the gallery of beaches for detailed information about each beach and where they are located


Link to the website

A link to the code on Github


I began by understanding the challenge and generated ideas on how to go about the challenge.
Since it is obligatory to not manipulate the HTML structure, I used javascript to manipulate the DOM and CSS to add images and attain flip effect on hover of an image to achieve the desired outcome. Also, I leverage AI for assistive development.
All images are from google images.
I finally deployed site using vercel

This project was a valuable learning experience in creating dynamic, interactive web content using JavaScript and CSS. I'm particularly proud of the adaptive approach and the smooth animations achieved. Moving forward, I hope to enhance the solution further by optimizing performance, ensuring improved accessibility, and expanding functionality

Feel free to comment, all reviews are welcome

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Jess Lee
