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Mighty Odewumi
Mighty Odewumi

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How to propel yourself to dive into tech in 2024

Tech can be said to be the hot cake of all the industries in the world. Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we live. Social networks connect us with far away friends. One can purchase goods without the need to rush down to physical stores. Driverless cars parade streets. Now, we're in the AI wave. The field of tech will change in unforeseen ways in the next few years and the foundations have been laid.

There is no better time than now to pick up that new skill you've been putting off learning. Every second wasted is another new technology being added to the list of the current and most sought-after technologies.

If your excuse is that there are no materials for you to kickstart your journey, it is baseless. Thousands of resources are available online now more than ever to help anyone with interest in anything learn whatever it is they desire.

Google and YouTube are avenues through which you can explore the various tech field there are. Truly, the world of tech is wide. You could see a new technology and jump after it. Then, see an even enticing one and follow. It is not advisable to do this as you spend a lot of time and energy learning a lot of things you don't need to focus on at the moment.

If you would like to be an expert in various fields, you could pick a field now and after some time of working with technologies in that field, you could pivot and work on some new thing that captures your fancy. The choice is yours to do as you desire. No pressure.

Starting a tech journey boils down to a few things, which are:

  1. Decide that you want to learn how stuff work: Be spontaneous. Have it at the forefront of your mind what you want for yourself. Do you wanna learn something new just for fun? To get a new job? To flex your mental muscles? Those are good reasons to make you want to get into tech.

  2. Do some research: Carry out research on the various opportunities you can find in tech from DevOps, UI/UX, Mobile Development to Cyber security. There is enough for all.

  3. Pick a field: Do additional research on resources to help you kickstart your journey from YouTube videos, Udemy courses to Official Documentations provided by various organizations on the field you have an interest in.

  4. Practice a lot: There is no other way to improve if you don't practice. You've gotta be able to get your hands dirty putting into doing the things you have learnt.
    Which brings us to the next thing.

  5. Know when and how to seek help: You would get stuck. That's a certainty. A time would come when you feel like you can't go further than where you are now. You've thrown everything you've got at it but it wouldn't stick. Don't give up. Take a break, examine the problem again with a fresh view. You wouldn't believe how that works like a charm.
    If you still find yourself stuck, research the problem using Google or StackOverflow. Have experts take a look at what you were trying to accomplish. Or you could ask a mentor if you have one. You don't have to do it alone.

  6. Join a community: Meet with like-minded people who you can interact with and share ideas with. They could also be people who are experienced than you are or are also starting. Attend local meetups, join Discord or Twitter channels to stay up to date with current happenings.

The best time to start learning anything was yesterday. The next best time is now. Get up and get going. The journey might be rough and stressful but perseverance is the secret. Move fast and break things, according to the old Facebook mantra.

The list above doesn't aim to serve as a universal or standard guide, but just as a personal opinion.

I hope this helps someone.

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