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My writing stats for 2021, best time to post on DEV and plans for 2022-2023 [over 250 articles planned]

GrahamTheDev on January 03, 2022

In 11 months of writing I have amassed over 250k views on DEV, not to be sniffed at...but I can do better! In this article I will share: my con...
dansasser profile image
Daniel T Sasser II

Old article, but I'm really glad I found it. I'm starting to get a lot of traction on my articles with the most recent one getting around a thousand views in under the first 24 hours and a good reaction count. I seem to be on a roll with this and I have some pretty good stats so far—although not as impressive as yours.
Thank you very much for the insight on the post schedule. I had a pretty good idea of this but it's always nice to see someone else confirm it in a readable way.

grahamthedev profile image

Posting schedule has definitely changed over the last 4 years so I wouldn't use that as a reference anymore.

Glad it was useful and as for the stats, they grow rapidly as you start gaining followers so just keep slogging away and you will soon go past those numbers!

I found that a few "big hit" articles mean that the follower count jumps and then the "misses" still do a lot better due to more people being notified, so bear that in mind too!💗

dansasser profile image
Daniel T Sasser II

Thanks for responding back. You're 100% correct! Those few articles that really go viral and get shared all over the world really help boost the overall growth of my content.
Feel free to check out some of my work and hit the reaction button 😁

kasuken profile image
Emanuele Bartolesi

out of my curiosity: how did you download the articles from devto?
I didn't find any endpoint to download all the contents :)

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

I cycled through each article ID up until the current latest ID (which at the time was about 650k if I remember correctly).

It also took over 20 days from what I remember so as to not hit the service too hard all at once I throttled it to 10 per minute out of courtesy.

Of course there will be no "take every single piece of content on the site in one go" API endpoint 🤣🤣💗

kasuken profile image
Emanuele Bartolesi

ahhhhh I just figured out that the id is a sequential key! :D
cool :D

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

I want to hear what you have planned for 2022!

Any exciting projects or ideas you are working on?

Oh and thanks for reading this (and my other articles I just released if you have read them), have (another) ❤ and 🦄 to show my appreciation!

ingosteinke profile image
Ingo Steinke, web developer • Edited

Thanks for sharing your insights!

I don't "sit" on many posts, so I have to make an effort to create new ones, but I will keep doing so and make them shorter and don't strive for perfection to prevent wasting time.

Today, on a Tuesday at two o'clock CET (should have been 1 p.m. in England, so a magically ideal time for publishing an article), I added this animated gradient text color tutorial to my new What's next in CSS? article series.

I also summarized my reflections about the past and the upcoming year: Nothing New in 2022?. Some of the text might sound familiar for those who read my posts on devrant as well (sorry, no link to that!)

Besides doing more (project) work to pay my bills and prepare for the summer, I want to continue learning and side projects (Symfony, MERN stack, and even more CSS) and hopefully be able to concentrate more on working together with charitable non-profit organizations and "green" (eco-friendly) startups.

I wish you a lot of success with your amibitious plans!

grahamthedev profile image

Already read your gradient text article 😁 Loved it!

Sounds like a really interesting year, hope you get to work with the right type of companies! 💪

Off to read the "nothing New in 2022" article as I missed that I think, I am sure I will enjoy it like all your other articles!

Happy new year bud!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

A couple of people have done the "best time to post" thing over the years. I don't really like it: if people all pile on the best time (and by best we mean quantity of views here) then it'll change. The feed will become swamped and your masterpiece will go unread.

grahamthedev profile image

It is why I didn't release the original article, but I wanted to share it as it took me 15 DAYS to download all that data via the API.

The feed will become swamped and your masterpiece will go unread.

And that is when i download all the data again and rerun to find the new best times 😉 (kidding)

With all of the experiments going on with the feed at the moment the data is also less relevant now anyway, but I thought it was interesting to see when people were reading (second table in the link is more relevant for that).

More than anything it is a good excuse to set myself specific times to release articles and if it helps just a little then it is worth it!

emmanuilsb profile image
Emmanuil B.

This is so inspiring ❤

grahamthedev profile image

Thanks so much Emmanuil ❤,

Do you have any big (or small) plans for 2022?

emmanuilsb profile image
Emmanuil B.

I plan to up the pace of my dev writing this year.
Have some great article ideas, just need to stop procrastinating and start writing 😋

Thread Thread
grahamthedev profile image

I struggle with this also so don't worry!

The only tip I have is to put time in the diary for it and treat it like an appointment. Once you start writing the "oh I enjoy this" part kicks in and you can get it done 💪

Thread Thread
emmanuilsb profile image
Emmanuil B.

Thats a great idea. Cheers!

hellonehha profile image
Neha Sharma

Your plans are so inspiring and useful too.

I am pushing myself to make accessible components but I am lazy.

I am rooting for you from here...looking forward for the wonderful content.

All the best!!

grahamthedev profile image

Thanks Neha, I will be seeking your feedback on things! 😄

kiranrajvjd profile image
Kiran Raj R

I will be following you...😊

grahamthedev profile image

Thanks Kiran, same for you now you are back creating content 👍

Hopefully the WCAG in plain English will help with the accessibility stuff we were discussing (part of the reason I chose to write that series is from our chat!)❤️

kiranrajvjd profile image
Kiran Raj R

Yes, but you could mention my name 😂, I will go through the article more detail tomorrow. All the best for your future projects.

theodorusclarence profile image
Theodorus Clarence

This is awesome, thanks InHu!

grahamthedev profile image

Thanks for the support Theodorus! ❤️

ingosteinke profile image
Ingo Steinke, web developer

Hi @grahamthedev , long time no see. Hope you are doing fine. Any chance to expect some end-of-the-year post here on DEV?

brewinstallbuzzwords profile image
Adam Davis

Thanks for sharing the data about publishing time. I usually post on Wednesdays, but slightly later than the optimal time of day you mentioned. I'll post a bit earlier this week and see how it goes 🙏

skylerdevops profile image

Thanks for the time! Definitely gonna try this out and see if it does anything for me :D

grahamthedev profile image

Cool, let me know how it goes!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
grahamthedev profile image

Same lol, hence why I am focusing on not doing that going forward! 🤣

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

I'm curious, what timezones are those times in?

grahamthedev profile image

All GMT 👍

siddharthshyniben profile image

Well I definitely need to get back to writing! I can't let you win so fast 😜

aernesto24 profile image
Ernesto Lopez

Wow, amazing work, i have only 12 post, but certainly i have made some of the mistakes you just mentioned at the beginning like publishing on fridays, lol.

Thanks, really god info.

charalambosioannou profile image
Charalambos Ioannou

Excellent read and love the posting analysis. I will definitely take this information into consideration for my next articles. Thank you!

grahamthedev profile image

Thanks, I do hope you find it useful!

siddharthshyniben profile image

Random thought, do write one of your rants once in a while, or it will get boring! 🤣

grahamthedev profile image

The rants are never planned, I just need something to trigger me and off I go so I have no doubt I will still write them at some point! 😋🤣