In this tutorial, we will look at the Top 7 methods to make you productive when working with dates. Using dates come in the form of the DateTime
class, which proves effective when implementing features for interfaces like calendars, schedules and appointments.
Here is an example snippet showing how to create a DateTime
object in Dart:
var now =;
var berlinWallFell = DateTime.utc(1989, 11, 9);
var moonLanding = DateTime.parse("1969-07-20 20:18:04Z");
You can retrieve useful information like so:
berlinWallFell.year; // => 1989
berlinWallFell.month; // => 11 (November) numbering starts from 1 (January); // => 9
berlinWallFell.weekday; // => 4 (Thursday) numbering starts from 1 (Monday)
comes with some useful constant values for days and months:
moonLanding.weekday == DateTime.sunday; // => true
moonLanding.month == DateTime.july; // => true
DateTime.daysPerWeek; // => 7
If you like what you see so far then read on!
1. add()
This adds the provided duration and returns a new DateTime
var berlinWallAdd10 = berlinWallFell.add(Duration(days: 10, hours: 5))); // 19th of November at 05:00 hrs
print(; // => 19
print(berlinWallAdd10.hour); // => 5
2. difference()
This accepts another DateTime
object, returning the difference as a Duration
object. You are then able to extract the days, hours, minutes and so on.
var diff = berlinWallFell.difference(moonLanding);
print(diff.inDays); // => 7416
print(diff.inHours); // => 177987
print(diff.inMinutes); // => 10679261
3. isAfter(DateTime
This checks that the given date is after other
moonLanding.isAfter(berlinWallFell); // => false
4. isBefore(DateTime
This checks that the given date is before other
moonLanding.isBefore(berlinWallFell); // => true
5. compareTo(DateTime
Checks to see that the date values are equal. Returns 0
if they are equal.
berlinWallFell.compareTo(berlinWallFell); // => 0 (equal)
moonLanding.compareTo(berlinWallFell); // => -1 (not equal)
6. subtract(Duration
Subtracts the given duration from the date.
Duration(days: 7416, hours: 3, minutes: 41, seconds: 56));
// => 1969-07-20 20:18:04.000Z (about the day and time of the moon landing)
7. toLocal()
Returns the date in the local time zone. Useful for i18n.
moonLanding.toLocal(); // => 1969-07-20 21:18:04.000
And a bonus... 🥁
8. toUtc()
Returns the date in UTC time
moonLanding.toUtc(); // => 1969-07-20 20:18:04.000Z
moonLanding.timeZoneName; // => UTC
I hope this was insightful and if this is your first exposure to Dart, read my first steps tutorial to grasp the basics. The code snippets for this article are available on DartPad.
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Top comments (7)
For those who don't want to hard-code the Date as "$September 15, 2018" or "12:00AM". you can use intl from
At first I did the hard-code of displaying the date & time in a proper format. then I realized that there's also a package that made it easy to code it.
This is a pretty solid representing of Dart. I feel like you can know a lot from how a language treats dates.
Pleased to see that Dart is quite sane in its API and dates/times carry around the time zone.
I still get frustrated because after many years I still have to deal with date times without a timezone in Python. From the standard library:
Neither the local time,
, nor the UTC time carry the time zone so if you pass that around you're bound to mess it up, they call those "naive datetimes" vs "time zone aware datetimes" but I call them "useless datetimes" :DNo wonder Python has so many datetime libraries (each word links to a different library :D)
Great article!
For those who don't know there is MomentJS for JavaScript that implements all these methods.
Thanks Sergiu. I grant that MomentJS implements some useful util methods for dates.
However the beauty here is that all these methods come inbuilt with Dart, so no extra dependencies needed.
Totally. Wish we had that for JS