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Cover image for The GraphQL Challenges Survey is here. Here's what to expect
Jing Li
Jing Li

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The GraphQL Challenges Survey is here. Here's what to expect

To address some of the challenges associated with GraphQL in real-world applications, Hygraph, commercetools, Formidable, The Guild, and Inigo have launched the GraphQL Survey.

The survey will cover a variety of hot topics related to GraphQL, such as:

  • GraphQL security
  • GraphQL performance
  • API versioning
  • And more!

Why take the survey

Last year's State of GraphQL report uncovered some GraphQL pain points. We want to explore how they are addressed in real-life applications. This survey aims to better understand those challenges and how GraphQL users approach them. Therefore, the survey questions will look at what measures developers can take to improve GraphQL security, implement auth in GraphQL API, combine schemas, and many more.

After the survey, we will analyze the results and share a report with the GraphQL community, providing practical instructions on how to solve the GraphQL challenges. Therefore, by responding to the survey, you are participating in a community effort to help GraphQL users solve common pain points.

Image description

We encourage you to participate in the survey and share it with colleagues who use GraphQL, as well!

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