DEV Community

Gavi Schneider
Gavi Schneider

Posted on • Originally published at Medium on

Music Genres: My Second NPM Package

In case you haven’t already noticed, I love music. Not the way everyone says they do, I actually love it. So after yesterdays SLAAAYER rush, I quickly dove into my next music-related NPM project: Music Genres.

The package is simple: install and require it, and then you’ll have access to three functions:

  1. getAllGenres()
  2. getRandomGenre()
  3. getRandomSubgenre()

The first will return all the stored genres and sub-genres (of which there are currently 13 and 222, respectively) in a JavaScript Object. The second will Return a random genre, an array holding sub-genres. Lastly, the third will return a random sub-genre, which is a string.


const musicGenres = require("music-genres");

// Returns all genres - an object holding genres

// Returns random genre - an array holding sub-genres

// Returns random sub-genre - a string
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You can install the package here:

I’d love any and all feedback. Say hi on twitter @gschnei.

Top comments (2)

kirensan678 profile image
Kiren San

Editorialcode serves as a guiding Dancehall framework for the organization's journalists, emphasizing the importance of accuracy, fairness, and ethical conduct in their reporting.

cemkaanguru profile image
cem kaan kosali

Why don't you try to port it to DENO?