This is a write up of a live coding session from my show "ML for Everyone" broadcast on the IBM Developer live streaming Twitch channel every Tuesday.
This session was an attempt to train a neural network to detect the sentiment of tweets. Specifically I wanted it to be able to detect joyful tweets for my #gftwhackathon entry:

Joyful Tweets
Matt Hamilton ・ Jun 3 '20 ・ 4 min read
This is a follow on from the previous session in which I used an existing sentiment analysis service, IBM Watson Tone Analyzer to detect sentiment. Using that service was nice and quick to get going, but it only allowed me to send one tweet at a time to it, which resulted in the service being quite slow, or me hitting rate limits of the service. So this is the beginnings of creating my own simpler version of that service.

Live coding my DEV/GftW Hackathon entry
Matt Hamilton ・ Jun 2 '20 ・ 1 min read
Session recap
In this session I used IBM Watson Studio to analyse the content of around 800,000 tweets I downloaded from twitter. Each tweet contained one of the words: joy, anger, angry, happy, sad.
The goal was to create and train a neural network using Keras, a high level Python API, to learn what a 'joyful' tweet might look like.
The basics steps of the process were:
- Download a selection of tweets, about 800,000 in total from Twitter's API
- Categorise those tweets into being either 'joyful' or 'angry'. I used a pretty naive crude regular expression match for this.
- Tokenise the tweets, using a tokeniser in the Kera preprocessing package that split the words up and lowercased them
- Download a pre-trained "word vector" that represents words in tweets as a 100-dimensional vector.
- Create a neural network consisting of two LSTM layers (ideal for learning word sequences) with dropout layers to prevent overfitting.
- Load the word vector from above into the embedding layer of the network
- Train the network on the processed tweets
- Evaluate the network performance with a few real world examples
Python notebook
The full Python notebook for this session is in the Github repository for this session:
Resources, notebooks, assets for ML for Everyone Twitch stream
Well, it seemed to work. Looking at the examples we tested on we got:
"I love the world": 53% joy; 47% anger
"I hate the world": 22% joy; 78% anger
"I'm not happy about riots": 45% joy; 55% anger
"I like ice cream": 63% joy; 37% anger
The next steps will be to take this trained model and deploy it as a service such that we can then query it from the Joyful Tweets application.
I hope you enjoyed the video, if you want to catch them live, I stream each week at 2pm UK time on the IBM Developer Twitch channel:
Top comments (1)
Excellent, thank you.
I have been trying to understand how to bring my own embedding into a model for a while now.
This line of code made my day :-)!!
model.add(Embedding(vocab_size,100, weights=[emdedding_matrix], input_length = max_len, trainable = False).
The "trainable = False" parameter was the cherry on the cake