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Hank X
Hank X

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The Top 1 Extension manager plugin in Chrome Webstore is Hijacking you

_I'm not giving any link in this post because I don't want readers to visit the extension's page.

Extension Manager is a Google Chrome extension (id: gjldcdngmdknpinoemndlidpcabkggco )that is popular among Chinese users. This manager mainly helps users quickly turn on or off some extensions.

The Google Chrome online store shows that it has more than 100,000 users, and 809 users gave a score of 4.5 stars (out of 5).

However, since last year, this extension program has been found by users to have hijacking problems. When users visit shopping websites, they will be hijacked and redirected from rebate websites.

I checked the comments of this extension and found that some users pointed out that there was a hijacking problem, but the developer replied to other inquiries but directly skipped this question.

On the V2EX , different users have also discovered hijacking situations and explained the hijacking code in detail.

When users visit websites such as Taobao and, they will be captured by this extension and then jump to the rebate site controlled by the developer before going to the real site.

This means that this extension not only privately hijacks users without consent, but may also monitor the websites visited by users in order to jump when necessary.

If you have installed a browser extension called Extension Manager (id gjldcdngmdknpinoemndlidpcabkggco), it is recommended that delete it.

I found that this extension program has also been launched on Microsoft’s browser store. Therefore both Google Chrome and Microsoft browser users should delete it.

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