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Hany Taha
Hany Taha

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Mastering Vue 3: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Modern Web Applications <Part 13 />

1. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 1 [Introduction and key features]

2. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 2 [Benefits of using Vue 3 for web development]

3. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 3 [Template syntax in Vue 3]

4. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 4 [Reactivity Fundamentals]

5. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 5 [Class and Style Bindings]

6. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 6 [Lifecycle Hooks]

7. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 7 [Understanding components]

8. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 8 [Installing Vue project and file structure]

9. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 9 [Vue Router in Vue 3]

10. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 10 [Animation in Vue 3]

11. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 11 [State Management with Pinia]

12. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 12 [Teleport in Vue 3]

13. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 13 [Working with API Calls ]

14. Mastering Vue 3 - Part 14 [Forms and Form Validation ]

Working with API Calls

Working with API Calls in Vue 3 can be done using two popular methods: using Axios or using the built-in Fetch API. Let's explore both methods:

1. Using Axios:
Axios is a widely used and powerful HTTP client library that simplifies making API calls in Vue applications. To use Axios in your Vue 3 project, follow these steps:

  • Install Axios: Start by installing Axios via npm or yarn:
npm install axios
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  • Import Axios: In your component file, import Axios:
import axios from 'axios';
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  • Making API Requests: Now, you can make various types of API requests using Axios, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. Here's an example of making a GET request:
  .then(response => {
    // handle success
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error
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In this example, we use axios.get() to make a GET request to The response data is accessed in the .then() callback, and any errors are handled in the .catch() callback.

2. Using Fetch:
Fetch is a native JavaScript API for making HTTP requests. It is built into modern browsers and does not require any additional installations. Here's an example of making a GET request using Fetch:

  .then(response => {
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error('Request failed');
    return response.json();
  .then(data => {
    // handle response data
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error
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In this example, we use the fetch() function to make a GET request to We check if the response was successful using response.ok, and then parse the response data using response.json(). The response data is then available in the second .then() callback, and any errors are handled in the .catch() callback.

Both Axios and Fetch can be used to make API calls in Vue 3. Choose the method that best fits your project requirements and preferences. Axios offers more features and flexibility, while Fetch is built-in and requires no additional dependencies.

There are also some more information about working with API calls in Vue 3 using Axios and Fetch:

1. Handling Response Data:
When making API calls, both Axios and Fetch return Promises that allow you to handle the response data. In Axios, the response data is accessed through the property. With Fetch, you can use methods like response.json() to parse the response body as JSON, response.text() to get the response body as text, or response.blob() to handle binary data.

2. Sending Request Headers:
Both Axios and Fetch allow you to send custom headers along with your API requests. In Axios, you can set request headers using the headers property in the request configuration object. With Fetch, you can use the Headers constructor and the headers property in the fetch() function options to set the headers.

3. Handling Errors:
When dealing with API calls, it's important to handle errors properly. In Axios, you can use the .catch() method to handle any errors that occur during the request. Axios also provides an error object with additional information about the error. With Fetch, you can check the response.ok property within the .then() method to determine if the request was successful. If not, you can throw an error or handle it accordingly in the .catch() method.

4. Canceling Requests (Axios):
Axios provides built-in support for canceling requests. You can create a cancel token using the CancelToken class and pass it as a config option to the Axios request. Then, you can call the cancel() method on the cancel token object to cancel the request if needed. This can be useful when dealing with scenarios like user-initiated request cancellations or cleanup when a component is unmounted.

5. Interceptors (Axios):
Axios allows you to intercept requests and responses using interceptors. Interceptors provide a way to modify or handle requests or responses globally. You can use axios.interceptors.request.use() to intercept requests before they are sent, and axios.interceptors.response.use() to intercept responses before they are handled. This can be useful for tasks like adding authentication headers, handling error responses, or performing request/response transformations.

6. Cross-Origin Requests:
Both Axios and Fetch support cross-origin requests, which means you can make API calls to different domains or ports. However, in certain cases, you may encounter cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) restrictions imposed by the server. These restrictions can be configured on the server-side to allow specific domains or HTTP methods. If you run into CORS issues, you may need to configure the server accordingly.

Overall, both Axios and Fetch are powerful tools for making API calls in Vue 3. They provide flexibility, error handling, and support for various request types. Choose the one that best fits your project's needs and consider factors like ease of use, additional features, and community support.

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