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Kauna Hassan
Kauna Hassan

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State Management with Redux


State management is a crucial aspect of front-end development, especially in larger applications where maintaining a consistent and predictable state becomes challenging. Redux, a popular state management library, provides an elegant solution to this problem. In this article, we'll delve into what Redux is, how it works, and how to implement it in your projects.

Understanding Redux

Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, primarily used with frameworks like React. It helps manage the state of an application in a centralised and organised manner, making it easier to debug, test, and reason about the application's behaviour.

At the core of Redux, we have three key principles:

Single Source of Truth: Redux stores the entire application state in a single JavaScript object called the store. This centralises the state and simplifies the process of tracking changes.

State is Read-Only: The state within the Redux store cannot be directly modified. Instead, to make changes, you dispatch actions that describe what happened. These actions are plain JavaScript objects containing a type field and optional payload data.

Changes are made by Pure Functions: To specify how the state changes in response to actions, you define pure reducers. Reducers take the current state and an action, and return the new state. This ensures predictability and traceability of state changes.

Setting Up Redux

To get started with Redux, you'll need to install the necessary packages:

npm install redux react-redux
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Now, let's dive into the implementation.

Create a Store:

First, you'll need to create a Redux store using the createStore function provided by Redux.

// store.js
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import rootReducer from './reducers';

const store = createStore(rootReducer);

export default store;
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Define Reducers:

Reducers define how the state changes in response to actions. Each reducer typically handles a specific portion of the state.

// reducers.js
const initialState = {
  count: 0,

const counterReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'INCREMENT':
      return { ...state, count: state.count + 1 };
    case 'DECREMENT':
      return { ...state, count: state.count - 1 };
      return state;

export default counterReducer;
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Combine Reducers:

If your application has multiple reducers, you can combine them using the combineReducers function.

// reducers.js
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import counterReducer from './counterReducer';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  counter: counterReducer,

export default rootReducer;
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Connect Redux to React:

To connect your React components to the Redux store, you'll use the connect function provided by the react-redux package.

// Counter.js
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

const Counter = ({ count, increment, decrement }) => {
  return (
      <p>Count: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={decrement}>Decrement</button>

const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return {
    count: state.counter.count,

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
  return {
    increment: () => dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' }),
    decrement: () => dispatch({ type: 'DECREMENT' }),

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Counter);
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Redux is a powerful state management library that promotes a predictable and structured approach to handling state in front-end applications. By following the principles of a single source of truth, read-only state, and pure functions, Redux simplifies the complexity of state management in larger projects.

To explore more about Redux, check out the official Redux documentation. Incorporating Redux into your React applications can significantly enhance maintainability and scalability.

Remember, mastering Redux takes practice, so don't hesitate to experiment and build projects to solidify your understanding.


Redux Official Documentation
React Redux

Top comments (2)

davboy profile image
Daithi O’Baoill


haszankauna profile image
Kauna Hassan

you're welcome!