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The Vik
The Vik

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How to make a web scraper with JavaScript

In this blog I will teach how to make a web scraper with axios and cheerio.

Source Code

const axios = require('axios')
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
// Replace the url with your url
const url = ''

    .then(response => {
        const html =
        const $ = cheerio.load(html)
        const statsTable = $('.statsTableContainer > tr')
        const statsData = []

        statsTable.each(function() {
            const rank = $(this).find('.rank > strong').text()
            const playerName = $(this).find('.playerName > strong').text()
            const nationality = $(this).find('.playerCountry').text()
            const mainStat = $(this).find('.mainStat').text()
        // Will print the collected data
    // In case of any error it will print the error
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thats a lot of code lets get it one by one

npm install axios cheerio --save
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to install or of the required dependencies

const axios = require('axios')
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
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this will import those installed dependencies

const url = ''
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this is the url from which we will scrap the data, you can change
it if you want but will have to change more things then

    .then(response => {
        const html =
        const $ = cheerio.load(html)
        const statsTable = $('.statsTableContainer > tr')
        const statsData = []
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at the first line we are calling axios and url we are then adding .then function and passing response in it.
then we are making a const named html and passing
if you now use


then it will print the whole html code of the website.
okay so now we are making a const named $ and then loading the html with cheerio.
now making a const name statsTable and passing ( with $ = cheerio )the class of the div from which we are going to scrap the data.
now are are making a statsData in which we will store the scraped data.

statsTable.each(function() {
            // If you replaced the url then you have to replace these too
            const rank = $(this).find('.rank > strong').text()
            const playerName = $(this).find('.playerName > strong').text()
            const nationality = $(this).find('.playerCountry').text()
            const mainStat = $(this).find('.mainStat').text()

//  this code should be inside .then(responde => {}) which be made above
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okay now we are just finding the specific div to scrap the data and then converting it to text using .text()
also then we are pushing those specific div's text to statsData which we also made above.

now we have to just use

console.log(statsData) // inside .then(responde => {})

and it should show all of the scraped data.

and at last when everything is closed }) we will


which will print the error if we have one and done.

this is my first time explaining a code so idk how I did.


Top comments (4)

webdevken profile image
Web Dev Ken

Showing the full code at the beginning was very good to me for scanning through and note questions in order to get them answered reading your post.

Your scraper might work now, but is very static because it is fundamentally based on the CSS classes that premierleague is using. Some sites might even have auto generated classes whenever you request a new page. So maybe adjusting the scraper to look for HTML structure might mitigate this issue a little. Could also change in future however.

Thanks for the blog!

heheprogrammer profile image
The Vik

Umm yeah that correct, I will make a new version later

mrdulin profile image
official_dulin • Edited

Summary, there are three points:

  1. Prepare the URLs, send HTTP requests to get the HTML from these URLs.
  2. Parse and query the DOM element, extract the data
  3. Store the data in any store engine.

Finally, went to jail for illegal web scraper activity...

heheprogrammer profile image
The Vik

Oh really thanks, I didnt know that we got change the syntax :)