DEV Community

Holden Gerner
Holden Gerner

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React Information Flow

What is Information Flow in React?

  • Helps with not only sending data from the parent component down to the child, creating a unidirectional data flow.

  • state is passed to the view and child components.

  • actions are triggered from the view.

  • actions can update the state.

How can we send data from the parent to the child Component?

  • In order to send data down to the child from the parent component a prop is used.

  • The child cannot modify the data by themselves, creating a clean data flow is followed.


  • This allows less errors to be made and allowing more control over the program.

  • Easier to debug due to the fact that you know what is coming from which components.

  • A lot more efficient due to libraries are aware of the limitations or boundaries of each aspect of the system.


  • A state is always owned by only one component. Any data that is changed by a certain state in a component will only be affected in the component that are below that component (children).

  • The state change on one component will never affect the components above it on the component tree (i.e parents,siblings).

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