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Himanshu Bhatt
Himanshu Bhatt

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Networking 101: Part 7

Cloud Networking Essentials: VPCs, Subnets & Load Balancers

For DevOps engineers transitioning to the cloud, mastering networking fundamentals is non-negotiable. Cloud-native networking is different from traditional on-premise networking, and understanding how to design and manage cloud architectures is essential for building secure, scalable, and highly available environments. This blog dives into Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), subnet design, load balancers, and critical components like NAT Gateways and route tables to equip you with the knowledge needed to build robust cloud infrastructures.

1. AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Your Cloud Network Backbone

An AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is the fundamental building block for networking in the AWS cloud. It allows you to launch AWS resources like EC2 instances, RDS databases, Lambda functions, and more into a secure, isolated virtual network that you define. With a VPC, you gain full control over your network configuration, including IP address ranges, subnets, route tables, and access control. Let’s explore the key components and features of AWS VPCs in depth.

Key Components of AWS VPC

IP Address Management

The first step when creating a VPC is defining the IP address range you want to assign to your virtual network. This is done by selecting a CIDR block (Classless Inter-Domain Routing), which is a range of IP addresses that you want to use in your VPC.

  • IPv4 and IPv6: You can assign both IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR blocks to your VPC. For example, an IPv4 CIDR block might look like, which provides you with 65,536 private IP addresses within that range. Alternatively, you can assign an IPv6 CIDR block for applications that require IPv6 support.

  • CIDR Block Example: A common CIDR block might be, giving you a large range of private IP addresses. If you need more control, you can subdivide this range into smaller subnet ranges.

The key benefit of this control is that you can tailor the IP address space for your organization’s needs, ensuring optimal use of addressable IP space and avoiding conflicts with other cloud resources or on-premises networks.


A subnet is a smaller division of your VPC’s IP address range. Subnets help you organize and secure your cloud resources based on the type of service and the level of exposure to the internet.

  • Public vs. Private Subnets: You can create public and private subnets within your VPC.

    • Public subnets are typically used for resources that need direct internet access, such as web servers or load balancers. These subnets are configured with a route to the Internet Gateway (IGW).
    • Private subnets are used for resources that do not need internet access, such as databases or application servers. These resources can access the internet via NAT Gateways (Network Address Translation), but they remain isolated from direct internet traffic.
  • Subnetting Example: If your VPC uses the CIDR block, you might create a public subnet like for web servers, and a private subnet like for application servers. This structure allows for more efficient routing and improved security by isolating your resources in separate subnets.

Route Tables

Route tables control the flow of traffic within your VPC and to external networks, such as the internet or a VPN. Each subnet in a VPC must be associated with a route table, which contains a set of rules (routes) that determine where traffic should be directed.

  • VPC Route Tables: The default route table for a VPC is automatically created when the VPC is launched. This route table typically routes traffic within the VPC to local resources. You can create custom route tables to better manage traffic flow.

  • Internet Gateway Routes: For public subnets, you'll configure routes to the Internet Gateway (IGW), allowing your instances to send and receive traffic from the internet.

  • Private Routes: For private subnets, you can use a NAT Gateway to allow instances in the private subnet to reach the internet (for updates or third-party services) without being directly accessible from the outside world.

  • Example Route Table: A typical public subnet might have a route for (all internet traffic) pointing to an Internet Gateway, while a private subnet route might direct traffic to a NAT Gateway for outbound internet access.

Security Layers

Security is a top priority when managing cloud networks. AWS provides multiple layers of security to ensure your network is protected from unwanted access.

  • Security Groups: A security group acts as a virtual stateful firewall at the instance level. Security groups control inbound and outbound traffic to instances in your VPC. Unlike traditional firewalls, security groups are stateful, meaning if you allow inbound traffic, the return traffic is automatically allowed regardless of outbound rules.

    • Example: If you want to allow HTTP (port 80) traffic to a web server, you can create a security group rule allowing inbound TCP traffic on port 80 from any IP address (e.g., Outbound rules are usually less restrictive but can be configured to allow specific types of traffic.
  • Network ACLs (Access Control Lists): Network ACLs are stateless firewalls that operate at the subnet level. Unlike security groups, network ACLs require both inbound and outbound rules to be defined separately, meaning the return traffic must be explicitly allowed.

    • Example: If you want to deny incoming traffic on a specific port across all instances in a subnet, you can configure the network ACL to block that traffic.
  • Granular Control: Using a combination of Security Groups and Network ACLs, you can fine-tune security settings to meet specific application or network requirements, ensuring your VPC remains secure and isolated from unwanted access.

Key Features of AWS VPC

Internet Gateway (IGW)

An Internet Gateway (IGW) is a key component for enabling communication between your VPC and the public internet. It acts as a bridge, allowing resources in your VPC (such as EC2 instances in public subnets) to send and receive traffic from the internet.

  • Internet Gateway Usage: When you associate an Internet Gateway with your VPC, you can configure route tables to route internet-bound traffic from your public subnets through the IGW. Instances within public subnets that require internet access, such as web servers or load balancers, will use the IGW to send and receive traffic.

  • Example: To allow an EC2 instance in a public subnet to access the internet, you’ll route traffic to the IGW in your VPC’s route table. Without the IGW, your public resources wouldn’t be able to access the internet.

  • Two-way Communication: IGWs support both inbound and outbound communication, allowing traffic to flow to and from the internet securely. However, it only applies to instances in public subnets with appropriate route tables and security configurations.

NAT Gateway

A Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway allows instances in private subnets to access the internet while keeping them isolated from direct inbound internet traffic. Private subnets don’t have direct access to the internet, but they often need to connect to external services for software updates, licensing checks, or other tasks. A NAT Gateway enables this outbound internet traffic while ensuring no external entity can directly initiate a connection to those private resources.

  • How It Works: A NAT Gateway is placed in a public subnet, and it translates private IP addresses to a public IP address for outbound traffic. This allows private resources to communicate with the outside world without exposing them to incoming internet traffic.

  • NAT Gateway vs. NAT Instance: While both NAT Gateways and NAT Instances provide similar functionality, NAT Gateways are fully managed by AWS, offer better scalability, and automatically handle failover. In contrast, NAT Instances require manual management and scaling, making NAT Gateways the preferred choice in most cases.

  • Example: If you have a database in a private subnet that needs to connect to external resources for updates, you would configure a NAT Gateway to allow the private instance to communicate with the internet, but prevent external traffic from directly accessing the instance.

VPC Peering

VPC Peering allows you to establish a secure connection between two VPCs to enable communication between resources in those VPCs. This can be useful for:

  • Cross-Account Communication: You can peer VPCs from different AWS accounts, allowing resources in one account to access resources in another account securely.
  • Cross-Region Peering: AWS also supports peering between VPCs in different regions, facilitating multi-region architectures where resources across regions can communicate directly.

Example Use Case: If your company has a separate VPC for development and production, you can use VPC peering to allow the development environment to access production services, such as databases, in a controlled way without needing to expose them publicly.

Flow Logs

VPC Flow Logs capture information about the IP traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC. Flow logs provide valuable insights into network traffic patterns, helping you troubleshoot network issues, monitor performance, and maintain compliance.

  • Troubleshooting: Flow logs can help you identify unusual network behavior, such as unauthorized access attempts or misconfigured routes.
  • Compliance and Auditing: VPC Flow Logs are also useful for meeting security and compliance requirements by providing a detailed record of network traffic, which can be stored in AWS CloudWatch or S3 for analysis and auditing purposes.

Elastic IPs (EIPs)

An Elastic IP is a static, public IPv4 address designed for dynamic cloud computing. Unlike standard public IPs, which can change when you stop and start instances, an Elastic IP remains associated with your account and can be reassigned to different instances as needed.

  • Example Use Case: If you need to ensure a consistent IP address for a service (e.g., a load balancer or a web server), you can allocate an Elastic IP and associate it with your instance. If the instance fails, you can quickly reassign the Elastic IP to another instance without service disruption.

2. Designing Subnets: Public vs. Private

Subnets are fundamental components of a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and serve as the building blocks for organizing resources based on their security and accessibility needs. The design of subnets defines both the availability and security posture of the applications and services hosted in your VPC. In AWS, subnets are tied to Availability Zones (AZs), which provides high availability and fault tolerance. Understanding how to properly design and use public and private subnets is critical to building secure, scalable, and highly available cloud architectures.

Public Subnets

Public subnets are designed to host resources that need direct access to the public internet. This is typically for services such as web servers, load balancers, and other infrastructure components that must be accessible from the outside world.


  • Public subnets are typically used for resources that need direct internet access. Examples include:
    • Web Servers: Websites or applications that require user access.
    • Load Balancers: Resources such as AWS Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) that distribute incoming traffic to backend instances.
    • Bastion Hosts: Securely accessed virtual machines used for managing other instances in private subnets.

Internet Gateway (IGW):

  • To provide internet access, public subnets need to be associated with an Internet Gateway (IGW). The IGW acts as a bridge between the AWS cloud and the public internet, allowing inbound and outbound traffic.
    • Function: It enables your public-facing resources, such as web servers, to send and receive data from the internet.
    • Connection: When you attach an Internet Gateway to a VPC, it allows resources in that VPC to communicate with the outside world.

Route Table:

  • In public subnets, the route table is configured to allow traffic destined for the internet to be routed through the IGW. This is typically done by adding a route with the destination, which means all traffic not destined for the VPC’s internal network will be directed to the IGW.

    • Example: Here’s how the route table for a public subnet might look:
     Destination         Target         local           igw-xxxxxxxx
    • In this example, all traffic with destinations outside the CIDR block (which represents the VPC's internal network) is sent to the Internet Gateway.

Security Considerations:

  • Security Groups and Network ACLs: When configuring public subnets, security considerations are paramount since these resources are exposed to the internet. For example, web servers should only allow specific types of traffic (e.g., HTTP or HTTPS), and you should tightly control which IP addresses can access them using security groups and network ACLs.
    • Security Group Example: For a web server in a public subnet, you might configure a security group with inbound rules that allow HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) traffic from the world (, but restrict all other inbound traffic.
    • Network ACLs: Network ACLs can provide an additional layer of defense by controlling traffic flow at the subnet level. They are stateless, so you must explicitly configure both inbound and outbound rules for each subnet.

Private Subnets

Private subnets are used to isolate resources from the internet while still allowing them to access the internet for specific purposes (e.g., downloading updates). These subnets typically host sensitive resources, such as databases, application servers, and backend services, which do not need direct internet access.


  • Private subnets are ideal for internal resources that must not be directly accessed from the internet but still need to communicate with external services or access the internet for specific operations like software updates, licensing checks, or API calls.
    • Database Servers: These should never be directly accessible from the internet to reduce the attack surface.
    • Application Servers: Backend servers that communicate with the front-end (in public subnets) but should not be exposed to the internet.
    • Internal APIs: APIs that need to be accessible only from other private resources within the VPC.

NAT Gateway:

  • Resources in private subnets cannot directly access the internet because they are isolated from the public network. To allow private instances to reach the internet (for example, to fetch software updates or interact with external services), you must use a NAT Gateway.
    • How It Works: The NAT Gateway is deployed in a public subnet, and it allows instances in the private subnet to initiate outbound internet connections. When a private instance sends traffic to the internet, the NAT Gateway translates the private IP address into a public IP address before sending it to the internet.
    • Outbound Communication: This ensures that the private instances can access external resources, but it prevents inbound internet traffic from reaching those private instances, maintaining security.

Setting Up NAT Gateway:

  • Deployment: To implement a NAT Gateway, you must place it in a public subnet within your VPC and then configure the route tables for your private subnets to route all outbound traffic ( to the NAT Gateway.

    • Route Table Configuration: Here’s how the route table for a private subnet would look:
     Destination         Target         local           nat-xxxxxxxx
    • NAT Gateway Placement: The NAT Gateway should reside in a public subnet, as it needs an Internet Gateway (IGW) to communicate with the public internet.

Security Considerations:

  • Security Groups and Network ACLs: Just like with public subnets, security is critical in private subnets. However, because private subnets are isolated, you should focus on controlling access between your private resources (such as app servers and databases).
    • Private Resources: Application servers in private subnets should only communicate with authorized resources, such as front-end servers in public subnets or databases in the same private subnet.
    • NAT Gateway Access: Ensure that only the necessary traffic is routed through the NAT Gateway, and use security groups to restrict access to private subnet resources.

Best Practices for Subnet Design

  1. Use Separate Subnets for Different Tiers:

    • It’s important to organize your subnets according to the architecture of your application. Typically, you will use separate subnets for different tiers such as:
      • Web Tier: This is where public-facing resources (e.g., web servers) reside.
      • Application Tier: Resources that handle business logic (e.g., application servers) should be placed in private subnets.
      • Data Tier: Databases and storage resources should be isolated in private subnets to ensure security.
  2. Spread Subnets Across Availability Zones (AZs):

    • To ensure high availability and fault tolerance, it’s crucial to design your VPC to span multiple Availability Zones (AZs). Each AZ is a physically separated data center, and by distributing your resources across multiple AZs, you minimize the risk of a single point of failure.
      • For example, if you have a three-tier application, you can deploy a public subnet in each AZ for your web tier, private subnets in each AZ for your application tier, and redundant database instances in private subnets spread across multiple AZs for resilience.
  3. Subnet Sizing:

    • When designing subnets, ensure that they are large enough to accommodate the expected number of resources but not too large to waste IP address space. AWS recommends using smaller subnets to maximize address utilization and avoid running out of IP addresses as your infrastructure grows.
  4. Use Network ACLs for Additional Layer of Security:

    • While security groups are used for instance-level control, Network ACLs provide an additional layer of control at the subnet level. It’s a good practice to use network ACLs for broader traffic filtering, especially in more complex VPC architectures with multiple subnets and intricate traffic routing.
  5. Implement VPC Peering for Cross-Region or Cross-VPC Communication:

    • If your architecture spans multiple VPCs or regions, consider using VPC Peering to allow communication between resources in different subnets or VPCs. VPC peering provides private communication between VPCs without going over the public internet, enhancing security and reducing latency.

3. AWS Load Balancers: Distributing Traffic Efficiently

Load balancing is a crucial aspect of cloud infrastructure, ensuring that incoming traffic is distributed efficiently across multiple backend resources. In AWS, Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) offers a variety of load balancer types to suit different application needs, ensuring scalability, fault tolerance, and high availability. The three primary types of AWS load balancers are:

Type Use Case Layer
Application Load Balancer (ALB) HTTP/HTTPS traffic, content-based routing (e.g., path-based, host-based routing) Layer 7
Network Load Balancer (NLB) Ultra-low latency, high-throughput TCP/UDP traffic Layer 4
Gateway Load Balancer (GLB) Large-scale third-party appliance hosting, including security appliances like firewalls Layer 3

These load balancers are managed by AWS, and they can handle the distribution of traffic to multiple backend targets such as EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and even on-premises servers. Let’s explore each type in-depth.

1. Application Load Balancer (ALB)

The Application Load Balancer (ALB) is designed for routing HTTP and HTTPS traffic based on content. It operates at Layer 7 of the OSI model, which is the application layer. ALB is ideal for applications that require advanced routing capabilities, such as path-based routing, host-based routing, or routing based on query parameters.

Use Case:

  • HTTP/HTTPS Traffic: Best suited for web applications or microservices that need flexible routing and content-based decisions.
  • Content-based Routing: For example, routing /api/* traffic to backend API servers and /images/* traffic to an image server.
  • Microservices: ALB works well for distributing traffic between microservices, where each service might reside behind its own target group.

Key Features:

  • Host-based Routing: Route traffic based on the hostname in the request, allowing you to direct traffic to different applications based on the domain name (e.g., vs.
  • Path-based Routing: Route requests based on the URL path (e.g., /api could go to one set of backend servers, while /images could go to a different set).
  • WebSocket Support: ALB supports WebSockets, making it ideal for applications requiring real-time bidirectional communication, such as chat applications or live notifications.
  • SSL Termination: ALB supports SSL/TLS termination, allowing you to offload the SSL handshake process from your backend servers.

How It Works:

  • The ALB forwards incoming HTTP/HTTPS requests to the appropriate target group based on the routing rules you define. A target group consists of backend servers (EC2 instances, Lambda functions, or IP addresses) that handle the actual processing of requests.
  • When you configure ALB, you specify routing rules that determine how incoming requests are directed based on request parameters such as path, host header, or HTTP methods.


  • Use Case: You have an Auto Scaling group of web servers behind an ALB. As traffic to your site grows, the ALB automatically distributes incoming requests to the appropriate web servers in the Auto Scaling group, ensuring that each server is utilized efficiently. If traffic spikes, Auto Scaling ensures that more instances are spun up to handle the load, and the ALB ensures that traffic is evenly distributed among them.

2. Network Load Balancer (NLB)

The Network Load Balancer (NLB) operates at Layer 4 of the OSI model, the transport layer, and is designed for handling TCP and UDP traffic with low latency and high throughput. NLB is best suited for applications that require extreme performance and can handle millions of requests per second while maintaining a static IP address.

Use Case:

  • Ultra-low Latency Applications: NLB is ideal for applications that require ultra-low latency, such as gaming, VoIP, or real-time data streaming.
  • TCP/UDP Traffic: NLB is best suited for non-HTTP traffic, such as SMTP, DNS, or custom protocols that rely on TCP or UDP.
  • High Throughput: NLB is built to handle large amounts of traffic, making it a great choice for high-volume applications.
  • Static IPs: NLB provides a static IP address that doesn’t change even if the underlying resources change. This is useful in cases where clients need to whitelist a specific IP address.

Key Features:

  • High Performance: NLB can handle millions of requests per second while maintaining ultra-low latency.
  • Static IPs: Each NLB can be assigned a static IP address or even a Elastic IP (EIP), which is useful for services that need fixed IP addresses.
  • TLS Termination: NLB supports SSL/TLS termination at the network layer, offloading encryption and decryption from your backend servers.
  • Zonal Failover: NLB supports automatic failover between Availability Zones, providing high availability in case of a failure in one zone.

How It Works:

  • NLB routes TCP/UDP traffic to backend targets (EC2 instances or containers). It uses target groups that are attached to your load balancer. NLB ensures that the traffic is efficiently routed to the lowest-latency backend based on health checks and traffic distribution policies.
  • It doesn’t inspect the contents of packets as ALB does but instead forwards traffic based on IP and port numbers.


  • Use Case: If you’re running a real-time multiplayer gaming application where players need to connect to servers with low latency, the NLB can distribute the connection requests to the backend game servers. The NLB ensures that player requests are routed to the least loaded server while keeping the connection performance optimal.

3. Gateway Load Balancer (GLB)

The Gateway Load Balancer (GLB) operates at Layer 3 (the network layer) and is specifically designed for handling traffic to and from large-scale third-party network appliances like firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), or other security devices.

Use Case:

  • Third-Party Appliance Integration: If you have security appliances (such as firewalls or monitoring tools) that need to inspect and analyze all inbound or outbound traffic, you can use GLB to direct traffic through these appliances.
  • Traffic Inspection: GLB allows you to insert third-party network appliances into your VPC architecture for traffic inspection without impacting application performance or availability.

Key Features:

  • Easy Integration: Gateway Load Balancer is integrated with third-party appliances via target groups, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate security devices into your architecture.
  • Traffic Inspection: GLB ensures that all traffic (both inbound and outbound) passes through security appliances for inspection before reaching backend servers.
  • Scalability: GLB scales automatically based on traffic volume, ensuring that your network appliances can handle fluctuations in traffic load.

How It Works:

  • GLB is placed in front of your network appliances, and it directs traffic to the appliances for inspection and processing. After inspection, the traffic is forwarded to backend targets. It provides a transparent, scalable solution for incorporating security or monitoring tools into your VPC.


  • Use Case: If you're running a VPC with high-security requirements, you can use GLB to route traffic through a third-party firewall appliance. The firewall inspects the traffic, and only safe, clean traffic is sent to the backend application servers, ensuring your network remains secure.

Summary: Choosing the Right Load Balancer

  1. Application Load Balancer (ALB):

    • Best for HTTP/HTTPS traffic with advanced routing (path-based, host-based).
    • Ideal for web applications, microservices, and applications needing content-based routing.
  2. Network Load Balancer (NLB):

    • Best for ultra-low latency and high-throughput applications using TCP/UDP.
    • Ideal for performance-sensitive applications, such as gaming or real-time streaming.
  3. Gateway Load Balancer (GLB):

    • Best for integrating third-party network appliances for traffic inspection.
    • Ideal for securing and monitoring traffic within the VPC using firewalls, intrusion detection systems, or other security appliances.

Each type of AWS load balancer serves a different use case, and selecting the appropriate one depends on your application’s needs in terms of traffic type, performance, and security requirements. By leveraging AWS's load balancing solutions, you can ensure that your application scales efficiently, remains available, and performs optimally under varying traffic loads.

4. Gateways and Route Tables: Traffic Control

In cloud networking, managing traffic routing and defining how resources interact with external networks is essential for maintaining security, performance, and availability. AWS provides several key components to control traffic within a VPC, namely Internet Gateways (IGWs), NAT Gateways, and Route Tables. These components allow DevOps engineers to build robust and secure network architectures.

1. Internet Gateway (IGW)

An Internet Gateway (IGW) is a horizontally scalable, redundant, and highly available component that enables communication between resources in a public subnet and the internet. It is a critical component for allowing your cloud resources to send and receive traffic to/from the outside world.

Key Functions:

  • Bidirectional Internet Access: An IGW allows traffic to flow both to and from the internet. This is necessary for instances in public subnets that need to be accessible by users, such as web servers or load balancers.
  • Attach to VPC: The IGW must be attached to your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to enable resources within the VPC to access the internet.
  • Public IP Addressing: Resources in a public subnet typically require Elastic IPs (EIPs) or Public IP addresses for inbound and outbound communication with the internet.

How It Works:

  • Traffic Routing: When an EC2 instance in a public subnet sends an outbound request to the internet (such as fetching a file from a public server), the Internet Gateway allows the instance to communicate directly with the internet. Inbound requests from external users (like a browser request to your website) are routed through the Internet Gateway to the EC2 instance.


  • A web server deployed in a public subnet needs to be accessible from the internet. By attaching an Internet Gateway to the VPC and configuring the route table appropriately, the server can accept incoming traffic and send responses back to the client.

2. NAT Gateway

The NAT Gateway allows instances in a private subnet to access the internet without exposing them to direct inbound internet traffic. This is a critical component for managing outbound traffic for resources like databases, application servers, or private EC2 instances.

Key Functions:

  • Outbound Internet Access for Private Subnets: NAT Gateways allow private subnet instances to initiate connections to the internet (e.g., to download patches, access external APIs), but do not allow inbound traffic initiated from the internet.
  • Scalability: NAT Gateways are fully managed by AWS and can scale automatically to handle large amounts of traffic.
  • Cost Considerations: Unlike the IGW, which is free, there are costs associated with using NAT Gateways. Charges are based on data processing (per GB) and hourly usage.

How It Works:

  • Instances in private subnets (e.g., databases or internal application servers) send requests to the NAT Gateway in the public subnet when they need to access external resources (such as downloading software updates). The NAT Gateway then forwards the requests to the internet and relays the responses back to the private subnet instances.
  • The route table for private subnets will point to the NAT Gateway for all traffic, which means any request that isn't destined for the local subnet or VPC is forwarded to the NAT Gateway.


  • Placement in a Public Subnet: The NAT Gateway itself must be placed in a public subnet, which has access to the internet through an Internet Gateway.
  • Redundancy: For high availability, it is recommended to deploy a NAT Gateway in each Availability Zone (AZ) where private subnets are located. If one AZ becomes unavailable, the other AZs with NAT Gateways can continue providing access to the internet for the private instances.


  • Your backend database servers are in private subnets and need to download OS updates from the internet. These servers would route requests through the NAT Gateway in a public subnet, which handles the actual communication with the internet.

Cost Considerations:

  • While NAT Gateways provide scalable and easy-to-use solutions, they are more expensive compared to NAT instances (which can be used for similar purposes but require manual scaling). You’ll incur charges for data processing (per GB of data processed) and the hourly running time.

3. Route Tables

Route tables are used to define the routing rules for directing traffic between subnets, to/from the internet, and between VPCs or external networks. Each subnet in your VPC must be associated with a route table, which determines the flow of traffic for that subnet.

Key Features:

  • Define Routing Rules: Route tables consist of a set of routes that define how traffic should be directed. For instance, they can direct traffic destined for external networks to the Internet Gateway, or traffic from private subnets to the NAT Gateway.
  • VPC Routing Control: You can have multiple route tables in a VPC, and each subnet can be associated with a different route table based on your architecture needs.

Route Table Types:

  • Public Subnet Route Table: A route table for a public subnet typically contains a route to the Internet Gateway. This ensures that any traffic destined for the internet is forwarded to the IGW.

    • Example:
    Destination: → Target: igw-12345 (Internet Gateway)

    This rule tells the route table that all traffic (i.e., should be directed to the IGW for internet-bound traffic.

  • Private Subnet Route Table: A route table for a private subnet typically contains a route to the NAT Gateway. This allows instances in the private subnet to initiate internet traffic, but not allow direct inbound traffic from the internet.

    • Example:
    Destination: → Target: nat-abcde (NAT Gateway)

    This ensures that any traffic from instances in the private subnet destined for the internet is sent through the NAT Gateway.

Best Practices:

  • Use Separate Route Tables: It’s a best practice to use separate route tables for public and private subnets. This helps maintain clear traffic segregation and reduces complexity in your network architecture.
  • Route Propagation: If you are using VPN or Direct Connect to extend your on-premises network into the AWS cloud, you may need to configure route propagation. This automatically updates the route tables with the correct routes for the on-premises network.


  • Public Subnet:

    • EC2 instance in a public subnet needs to access a public web page. The route table directs its traffic to the Internet Gateway, allowing it to communicate with the external web page.
  • Private Subnet:

    • A backend database server in a private subnet wants to download software updates from the internet. The route table directs the traffic to the NAT Gateway, which forwards it to the internet.

Pro Tip:

  • You can also create custom route tables for specific use cases, such as routing traffic between multiple VPCs (VPC peering), routing traffic through firewalls, or directing traffic to Transit Gateways.

Summary of Key Components:

  1. Internet Gateway (IGW): Enables inbound and outbound traffic to/from the internet for resources in public subnets.
  2. NAT Gateway: Allows outbound internet access for instances in private subnets without exposing them to direct inbound traffic from the internet.
  3. Route Tables: Define how traffic is routed within the VPC and to external destinations like the internet or peered VPCs.

By configuring the right combination of Internet Gateways, NAT Gateways, and Route Tables, you can control the flow of traffic within your AWS environment and ensure that resources are secure, scalable, and perform optimally. A proper understanding of these components is key to building efficient, resilient cloud architectures.

Outcome: Build and Manage AWS Networking Like a Pro

By understanding these concepts, you’ll be able to:

  • Design secure, multi-AZ architectures compliant with AWS best practices.
  • Troubleshoot connectivity issues (e.g., misconfigured security groups or route tables).
  • Optimize costs by right-sizing NAT Gateways and load balancers.

Next Steps:

  • Practice using AWS CloudFormation or Terraform to automate VPC setups.
  • Explore VPC Peering, Transit Gateway, or PrivateLink for hybrid cloud scenarios.

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