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Advent of Code - Day 2

This is day 2 of the Advent of Code challenge. Here is my solution and the identifier function is different between part 1 and 2:

const items = document
  .querySelector("body > pre:nth-child(1)")

// part 1
const identifier = (str, char, min, max) => {
  const re = RegExp(`${char}`, "g");
  const count = (str.match(re) || []).length;
  if (min <= count && count <= max) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 0;

// part 2
const identifier = (str, char, min, max) => {
  const re = RegExp(`${char}`, "g");
  const firstPos = str[min - 1] === char ? 1 : 0;
  const secondPos = str[max - 1] === char ? 1 : 0;
  const count = firstPos + secondPos;
  if (count === 1) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 0;

let count = 0;

items.forEach((item) => {
  const config = item.split(" ");
  const str = config[2];
  const char = config[1].replace(":", "");
  const min = config[0].split("-")[0];
  const max = config[0].split("-")[1];
  count += identifier(str, char, min, max);

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Some thoughts when solving the problem:

  • A lot of the problems can be solved by breaking it down piece by piece

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