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Nick Hehr
Nick Hehr

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Practical AI - Local LLM and machine learning for plant care

Create a custom AI assistant with local data security and no usage charges in less than 50 lines of code.


I've never bought a house plant. And yet, somehow my house and porch have slowly started to fill with all varieties of flora and fauna. Even with my aversion to seeking them out (thank you, all our plant-gifting friends!), I do need to keep the leafy beings alive and healthy. To help myself and anyone else who may be plant-sitting, I built an AI-powered greenery consultant that could identify the various species and provide helpful tips for taking care of the growing population within my home.

various potted plants gathered in a room, sitting on the floor

This smart machine uses speech-to-text to listen for a question, recognizes the plant type using a pre-trained machine learning model and computer vision, and passes that context into a local large language model (LLM) before sharing the response out loud using text-to-speech. This provides a natural and intuitive way of interacting with your new assistant while keeping the data and processing in your control.

The plant identification model

This project might sound like a lot to put together from scratch, but Viam's built-in and community modules make it possible to compose each of these capabilities together; adding or removing features as needed while being independent of specific hardware components, software packages or ML model types. For example, when I approached this project I knew I needed to use a machine learning model to recognize plant types, but was not sure which model.

To use any of these models, first choose the kind of model and add a couple of details.

screenshot of Viam vision service configuration in Viam app

Then, whether it be a model you trained yourself, a model you find on the Viam Registry, or a HuggingFace, Roboflow or DirectAI model, you can “see” the world with the same single line of code:

detections = await roboflow_plants.get_detections(image)
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Large Language Models (LLMs)

LLMs (Large Language Models), like ChatGPT, have gained a lot of well-deserved attention in the past year, and have been integrated into many services in most industries. However, only now are we seeing LLMs that are both small and useful enough to run locally on portable devices. This gets interesting for a few reasons:

  • LLMs in the cloud can get costly, as they charge for API access.
  • For some use cases, you want to maintain privacy and not have to worry about your interactions with an LLM going to the cloud and potentially even be used to add to the LLMs knowledge base (imagine a custom LLM used for corporate document analysis, for example).
  • A local LLM can maintain its own knowledge base and does not rely on internet connectivity.

A Viam module exists that allows you to deploy a local LLM to your machine in just a few clicks. This module currently defaults to TinyLlama 1.1B, which provides reasonably accurate and performant results on small, portable single board computers like the Raspberry Pi 5 and OrangePi 5B.

For my use-case, the AI LLM can cover a wide range of topics, such as watering frequency, lighting conditions, temperature preferences, and fertilization schedules. The LLM's ability to understand context and generate personalized responses makes it an ideal tool for guiding users in their plant care journey. The model and prompt can be tuned to be more specific or broad, depending on the use case.


Viam allows you to be mostly hardware-agnostic, so you can try this all with a Macbook, but because I wanted to create a small portable device I used the following:

Build instructions

1. Install viam-server

The first step in this project build is to install viam-server on the single-board computer (SBC) with the Viam installation instructions. Then in the Viam App, add a new machine instance. I named mine “smart-assistant”, but you can choose another name if you want.

screenshot of new machine creation text input with "smart assistant" as the value

2. Configure the camera

We will now set up the components and services, beginning with a camera. Be sure to have the USB devices (webcam and speaker) connected to board when turning it on.

Viam has support for a variety of cameras; we chose to use a webcam, which generally can be set up with just a few clicks as Viam will auto-detect any attached cameras.

screenshot of camera component configuration in Viam app, selecting the video path of the webcam on the machine

3. Configure local LLM chat module

Now, we can start adding capabilities to our machine. First, we’ll add the local LLM, which we can find in the Service configuration menu, under ‘chat’.

screenshot of adding the chat LLM service to machine in Viam app

Configuration attributes are documented in the local LLM module README, but we can start with the defaults.

After configuring the LLM module, we can test it by running a small Python script using the Viam Python SDK. If you’ve not installed the Viam Python SDK, install it and the chat API used by the local LLM module by running this command on your terminal:

pip install viam-sdk chat_service_api@git+
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Then, create this script called on your machine, but substitute api_key, api_key_id, and your robot address with the correct values from the Viam app’s Code sample tab.

import asyncio
from viam.robot.client import RobotClient
from chat_service_api import Chat

async def connect():
    opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key(
    return await RobotClient.at_address('', opts)

async def main():
    robot = await connect()

    llm = Chat.from_robot(robot, name="llm")
    response = await"what is a robot?")

    # Don't forget to close the machine when you're done!
    await robot.close()

if __name__ == '__main__':
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Run it with python to produce a result like:

A robot is an autonomous machine designed to perform specific tasks with limited human control. They are programmed to follow predetermined instructions or rules, making them highly efficient and reliable. Robots are used in various industries, from manufacturing and assembly to healthcare and transportation.

colorful illustrated baby llama

You now have a LLM running and generating responses all on your local machine!

4. Add a speech interface

We want to interact with our local LLM in a natural way, so the next thing to add is a module that gives our machine capabilities to:

  • Listen to us speak and convert that speech to text that we can be passed to the LLM
  • Convert the LLM response to audio so we can hear the response spoken aloud

We’ll use a speech module from the Viam registry with these capabilities. To configure it, we’ll go back to the Services configuration tab in the Viam app and choose the "speechio" module.

screenshot of adding speechio module as a service to the machine in the Viam app

There are options to customize the speech module’s behavior. Since we’ll want to be able to talk to our plant assistant, we need to allow the module to listen to the microphone, and also to have a trigger prefix (the speech that will trigger a response, you can set this to whatever you prefer). Add this configuration to the attributes field of the speech service, and save.

  "listen": true,
  "listen_trigger_command": "hey there"
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Once you’ve configured the module, add the speech API in the location you are running your Python scripts by running this command in the terminal:

pip install speech_service_api@git+
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Now update the program to import the speech API, initialize the speech service, listen, and have the speech service speak the LLM response out loud.

We will have the script running in a loop. When the speech module hears a command, it will add it to a buffer. We’ll pull that command out of the buffer and send it to the LLM.

import asyncio
from viam.robot.client import RobotClient
from chat_service_api import Chat
from speech_service_api import SpeechService

async def connect():
    opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key(
    return await RobotClient.at_address('', opts)

async def main():
  robot = await connect()

  llm = Chat.from_robot(robot, name="llm")
  speech = SpeechService.from_robot(robot, name="speech")

  while True:
    commands = await speech.get_commands(1)
    if len(commands) > 0:
      command = commands[0]
             response = await
      await speech.say(response, True)

    # Don't forget to close the machine when you're done!
    await robot.close()

if __name__ == '__main__':
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You now have an AI assistant that you can converse with when you run this script and say something that is prefixed with the trigger you chose, like:

Hey there, how often should I water my ficus plant?

Hey there, does my spider plant need a lot of sun?

Hey there, my cat peed on my verbena plant, what should I do?

5. Enhance your LLM assistant with computer vision

Now that we have our speech interface to our local LLM working, the last step is to connect it to the machine learning model we set up previously so that we can leverage computer vision to see and recognize our plants.

We’ll then have it replace mentions of “this plant”, “that plant” and “the plant” with the name of the plant our computer vision service most recently saw. We can then point our assistant at one of our plants and say:

Hey there, how do I take care of this plant?

What will get updated to:

How do I take care of this snake plant?

We can make this possible with a few changes in our code. We’ll first import the ‘re’ module, which allows us to use regular expressions to replace the name of the plant in our text. Then, we’ll import and instantiate our plant detector and use it to detect any plants it sees.

import asyncio
import re
from viam.robot.client import RobotClient
from import VisionClient
from chat_service_api import Chat
from speech_service_api import SpeechService

async def connect():
    opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key(
    return await RobotClient.at_address('', opts)

async def main():
  robot = await connect()

  llm = Chat.from_robot(robot, name="llm")
  speech = SpeechService.from_robot(robot, name="speech")
  roboflow_plants = VisionClient.from_robot(robot, "roboflow-plants")
  plant = ""

  while True:
    detections = await roboflow_plants.get_detections_from_camera('cam')
    if len(detections) > 0:
      plant = detections[0].class_name

    commands = await speech.get_commands(1)
      if len(commands) > 0:
        command = commands[0]
        if plant != "":
          command = re.sub(r'(this|that|the) plant',  "a " + plant, command)

        response = await
        await speech.say(response, True)

    # Don't forget to close the machine when you're done!
    await robot.close()

if __name__ == '__main__':
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You now have an AI and computer vision enabled plant care assistant, and all of this is possible with less than 50 lines of code!

Thank you to Matt Vella for recording this working demo!

Next steps

Making this project was a great way to test the possibilities of running an AI LLM locally, and combining that with other capabilities like machine learning and computer vision. Other things I am hoping to do next:

  • I want to try fine-tuning a local LLM like TinyLlama with a custom dataset so that it can have specialized knowledge. For example, I could train it with the Viam documentation so that it can help me build smart machines.
  • Despite the LLM being local, the speech service I used defaults to using Google service for text-to-speech (TTS) and speech-to-text (STT). I want to integrate the new stt-vosk and tts-piper modules to perform these tasks locally.
  • I want to create a portable case for the components so I truly can use this as a portable device.

I am interested in how you might use local LLMs. Leave a comment below or join us in Discord to let the community know!

This post was originally shared on the Viam blog.

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