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Thrilled about tech: met multiple challenges and lessons. How did it end?

Thrilled about Tech

Well as any newbie I started this week with some pretty exciting things going on: I completed my first fontendmentor challenge, felt pretty groovy about myself and I felt nothing was going to stop me. Until something unexpected happened..

The challenges

I tried to merge a pull request on github and I had the dreaded "conflicts". I panicked a little; but I googled how to fix git conflicts and I was able to resolve them with easy suprisingly enough.
So to you my fellow newbies: don't panic you don't know the answer right away or you are stuck. You are learning.It is part of the journey. Just reach out to people or the community for help.

How it ends

Well There really is no end for now. I'm gonna keep coding no matter how I feel. And I'd encourage everyone who reads this to not stop if they have started.

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