In this article, we’ll explain how to install Deno on Ubuntu 20.04.
Deno is a JavaScript/TypeScript runtime with simple, modern, secure defaults and a great developer experience. It’s built on V8, Rust, and Tokio.
Secure by default. No file, network, or environment access (unless explicitly enabled).
Supports TypeScript out of the box.
Ships a single executable (deno).
Has built-in utilities like a dependency inspector (deno info) and a code formatter (deno fmt).
Has a set of reviewed (audited) standard modules that are guaranteed to work with Deno.
Scripts can be bundled into a single JavaScript file.
A Ubuntu 20.04 installed dedicated server or KVM VPS.
A root user access or normal user with administrative privileges.
Step 1 - Keep the server updated
# apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
Step 2 - Install required package
We need to install unzip as it is required during the installation process.
# apt install unzip -y
Step 3 - Install Deno
There is one-line command to install Deno on system.
# curl -fsSL | sh
Once the installation gets complete, run following command to move deno environment file to /usr/bin directory.
# mv /root/.deno/bin/deno /usr/bin/
Step 4 - Verify the installation
We can verify the installation by checking the version using following command:
# deno --version
deno 1.7.4 (release, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
v8 9.0.123
typescript 4.1.4
Step 5 - Run simple command
Try running a simple program using following command:
# deno run
Or a more complex one:
import { serve } from "";
const s = serve({ port: 8000 });
for await (const req of s) {
req.respond({ body: "Hello World\n" });
Here you can find document page
That’s it. The installation has been completed successfully.
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